Page 18 - Martial Science 3_Neat
P. 18

In my first movie as a director, I actually      Where Can The Art Of Stunt
wanted to tell a story on each combat as the     Fighting Be Learned?
performer grew more and more in his physical
abilities and turned emotionally mature. I have  As far as I know, there are not schools for
choreographed and worked with Don Wilson         Stuntfighting in particular, but there are rooms
more than with any other martial art master      for training the stunts or acrobatics all across
and have also directed him in four films, it     the country. Three years ago I used to teach
has made the work enjoyable for we are great     stuntfighting while working on a project for
friends, too. One of my prime movies with        Warner Bros. I worked on a two floor building,
Don Wilson was “Ring of Fire II”. This movie     there was an office downstairs and upstairs
was a great amusement, it turn our homage        there was the Dojo. I used to work daily and
to Bruce Lee.                                    taught the lessons on stuntfighting at nights.
                                                 Many of my students have had great success
Working With Steaven Seagal                      in films like: GI Joe, Avengers, Iron Man, etc.

I was a great admirer of Steven Seagal before    I still teach seminars on Stuntfighting when I a
                                                 not making a film, I taught one in Chiuhahua
I worked with him and it was an honor            Mexico another in Tijuana México and some

and a pleasure to have had the chance to                    here in the United States. Those
                                                                       seminars are mainly about
coordinate the action on Half Past                                       specific aspects of fighting

Dead. He is a master in martial arts, an                        for movies. As I have directed
                                                                 commercials, musical videos,
expert in Aikido and to work with him                             TV and feature films, I have a
                                                                  different perspective from the
was undoubtedly a great experience.                              stuntfighting. I don’t do this as
                                                                  a martial artist, but as someone
When we were to perform the action I
                                                                          w h o sits at a theater
asked him in what direction he wanted                                               and knows nothing

the opponent to enter               and                                           about martial arts.

been a master of Aikido,

Steven Seagal offered a

set of various techniques

until he spotted the

one that best fitted the

situation. I have learned a lot                  Most people think

from him. Steven Seagal is                       that the dramatic

a very intense and talented                      feeling, emotion

person which he proves on                        and narration

his movies.                                      of a story with

                                                 kicks  and

“...Steven Seagal                                punches is
Offered A Set Of
Various Techniques                               fighting, but
Until He Spotted The
One That Best fitted                             actually it is
the situation”.

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