Page 25 - Martial Science 3_Neat
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sometimes sadly falling into the trap of allowing     In fact, they always revere their teachers, which is
the material success to bolster their egos, and are,  why they were able to continue their development,
in reality, incomplete in their development. Only a   recognizing that without their teachers they would
rare few of these practitioners, under the guidance   never have achieved anything. Consider the genius
of their teachers, remain serious and humble enou-    of Funakoshi, Ueshiba, Kano, and the countless an-
gh to go beyond this stage.                           cient and modern masters throughout the world
Those martial artists who continue pursuing their     who broke new ground and established entire mar-
development are well beyond their competing           tial arts systems and organizations. The most no-
years by the time they get to stage 4, and establish  table modern achievements in this area have been
an international teaching reputation over decades     indisputably recognized in the person of Bruce Lee,
by the time they are in stage 5.                      who raced through the 5 stages in his short lifeti-
Even a fully developed and mature martial arts        me, burst through international boundaries of cul-
master absolutely reveres the ones who CREATE a       ture, race, and business, and explosively CREATED
great martial art.                                    a new martial arts system that has literally changed
                                                      cultures. Bruce Lee arrived at a critical point in his-
                                                      tory, being the first martial

James Neiman, whom his students call “Sensei James”, was born in 1964 and raised in
Fremont, California. From the age of 7 he became deeply fascinated with martial arts.
His lifelong journey of martial arts training began in 1978 with a serious and long-term
study of Tae Kwon Do and several subsequent martial arts, continued with his evolution
into a professional martial artist through the study of Aikido that began in 1995, and cul-
minated with the evolution and founding of his own martial art, Shugyo Aikido, in 2013.
Grandmaster Neiman was inducted into the International Martial Arts Hall of Fame in
2013, in recognition of a lifetime of continuous development, achievement, creativity,
and leadership in martial arts. He was also inducted into the USA Martial Arts Hall of
Fame on May 17, 2014, as Original System Founder / Grandmaster of the Year

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