Page 31 - Martial Science Magazine Feb/2014 #1
P. 31


Renshi Sensei Allen Woodman has been studying           Where most people would be content, Renshi Allen
martial arts since the age of 4. As a child he dis-     has devoted his life to learning and promoting
covered the world of martial arts early on while        martial arts as a whole. Arranging and performing
growing up on a military base outside Tokyo, Japan.     martial arts demonstrations, events and classes for
Allen Woodman had studied the traditional Mar-          the Texas state Library system, California School
tial art of Shotokan Karate directly with Shihan        District, and Instructor to the Bakersfield and
Sensei Ryuichi Sato, a direct student of Osensei Gi-    Los Angeles Police department.
chin Funakoshi for more than 15 years. Mr. Wood-        Renshi Sensei Allen Woodman has devoted his
man received the Honorary title of Renshi Sensei        entire life to martial arts, with over 40 years plus
4th Degree Black Belt and master instructor from        in training and more than half of that in Asia. He
Sensei Makoto Nakamura, Sensei Sato`s Top stu-          is one of the most sought after instructors around
dent in 1989. Training with his initial instructor      today and has accumulated high levels of mastery
Shihan Sato, a direct student of the founder of Sho-    and certified rank in many different arts. Shihan
tokan Karate Gichin Funakoshi Osensei, he even-         Woodman has written over 12 books and co autho-
tually earned his rank of 6th degree black belt at the  red many more with such great masters and tea-
Hombu in Japan.                                         chers such as Soke Joe Miller, Nidai Soke Micheal
                                                        DePasquale Jr., Master Cary Hiroyuki Tagawa, and
                                                        Grandmaster Ramiro Estalilla.

                                                        HOJO JUTSU
                                                        Hojojutsu or Nawajutsu, is the traditional Japane-
                                                        se martial art of restraining a person using cord or
                                                        rope. Encompassing many different techniques and
                                                        methods from many different schools, Hojojutsu is
                                                        a unique product of Japanese history and culture.
                                                        It is the beautiful and peculiar art of restraining so-
                                                        meone using (often brightly colored) cord. Hojo-
                                                        jutsu techniques and methods are seldom demons-
                                                        trated outside of Japan, until now!

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