Page 4 - Martial Science Magazine Feb/2014 #1
P. 4


   Many congratulations on this new        dispossessed and needy will be more
   year 2014, to all the readers of Mar-   listened. I am sure that this will be a
   tial Science. According to the Chi-     year of action, healing and well-be-
   nese lunar calendar, from January       ing for all.
   31 began to govern the Year of the
   horse, associated with the element      I would like sharing with you a sim-
   wood and the color green.               ple prayer, but full of wisdom and
   The horse symbolizes the passion,       love. I received it from my Teacher
   freedom, strength, travel and the in-   of Hatha Yoga, and big friend, Dr.
   domitable spirit. The green will give   Vitalia Maria:
   us hope, tranquility, fortune, and
   growth.                                         PRAYER OF THE
                                                        5 FINGERS:

   I’m not an expert on predictions,                       Thumb:
   but I do believe in that energy fo-              (closer to the heart).
   llows thought. For this reason I put    We will pray for those we love most,
   my mind, my faith and my good           those who do the hardest work, and
   energies that this year: the poor, the         those who are near you

                                                        Index finger:
                                           We will pray for those who teach,
                                           instruct, and heal, they need su-
                                           pport and wisdom to lead to others

                                                        Middle finger:
                                                        (the highest).
                                           We will pray for our leaders, who
                                           have authority. They need divine


                                                         Ring finger:
                                                        (the weakest).
                                           We will pray for the weak, sick, and
                                                       the tormented.

                                                Little finger:
                                                (the smaller).
                                           We pray for ourselves.

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