Page 45 - Martial Science Oct 2017
P. 45


             MARTIAL ARTS

             ELITE IN MUNICH,


             The 11th Munich Hall of Honours, Eu-
             ropes  top  notch  event  of  the  Martial
             Arts promises to be an other extra ordi-
             nary oppertunity to meet with some of
             the best and world renown martial art-

             ists. “Lady Dragon” Cynthia Rothrock,
             the Queen of Martial Arts will be there
             for the first time together with Kickbox

             Worldchampion and Moviestar Don “The Dragon” Wilson in Mu-
             nich together.

              20 Times Worldrecord holder and Fitness  of Honours), from Italy GM Marco Morabi-
              Guru and 6th Dan Karate Master Dr. Robert  to (Italy Hall of Fame), from Ireland JuJitsu
              Goldman,  world  renown  expert  on  interna-     Legend and Worldchampion Josie Murray,
              tional development of Anti-Aging Medicine  from Austria the maybe most sucessfull Karate
              and Sports Medicine will be Keynote Speak-        trainer GM Erhard and Marianne Kellner with
              er. From UK there will be IP Man Wing Chun  their sucess team along with GM Perry Zmugg
              Legend Grandmaster Samuel Kwok as well as  from Graz; Sifu Serge Seguin, Wushu Legend
              Olympic Taekwondo Champion and Moviestar  from Germany, Karate Legend Soke Heinz
              Silvio Simac together with 12time Worldcham-      Köhnen, GM Luis Josè Montes from Barcelo-
              pion Miss Emma Elmes. Kely McClung, award  na, GM Martin Zingel, The Netherland, JiuJit-
              winning director, producer, actor and martial  su Legend Soke Benny Ericsson, Sweden, GM
              arts expert, will be another special guest from  Thomas Milan, Bosnia and many many more
              the US confirmed as well as GM Gerhard Brun- from all over the wolrd as far as Nepal and
              ner headmaster of one of the fastest growing  South Africa.
              Taekwondo Organisation in Europe as well as
              USA, but many more will be there.                 Brandnew and sensational shows of the mar-
                                                                tial arts will add to the entertainment of the
              But also Europes elite of the martial arts will  estimated up to 350 participants of this event
              be  attending  like  every  year  to  present  the  and during the day there will be seminars with
              unbelievable variety of the arts in Germany,  the best of the best in martial arts, fitness and
              Switzerland, Italy and all the other countries.   self  defense  as  well  as  the  second  improved
                                                                edition of „Strong man/woman contest“ in
              GM „Iron Fist“ Juerg Ziegler, the Kung Fu Leg-    which many valuable prizes can be won.
              end from Wil, Switzerland, GM Albert Greber,
              Judo Expert GM Keynan Dehnad and Han-             Again supervised by Weightlifting World
              shi Herbert E.Forster (promoter Swiss Hall  champion Benno Stangl, GER and Worldreer

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