Page 64 - Martial Science Oct 2017
P. 64
later after a little while of the gala awards event went
thru they call my name as the new Break Out Action
Star, I froze and couldn´t believe it then I jump the
5 stairs on a single jump and gave a speech, it was
so surreal, and it´s been a great privilege now some
producers and fellow actors are asking me to be part
of their projects, Such an Honor and I really wanted
to thanks my mentors Art Camacho who believe in
me since the beginning and Michael De Pasqueale
Jr my first action mentor and of course Del Weston
for invited me.
How did you achieve those incredible skills that we
see in your movies, jumping over cars, those splits
in the air and that speed with your arms and legs?
It´s really blessings from God and really a lot of hard
work, I’d been training all my life mentally and phy-
sically to make it in the movie industry and perhaps
in Hollywood one day as a what I can tell you is that
when I was a kid I saw this actors and wanted to that
but without the special or CGI effects and that´s the
results. We have to bare in mind that we as humans
can achieve incredible things if we break our limiting
believes, the short answer is sometimes I train about
six hours a day.
Which plans do you have next?
I want to make a beautiful and full of action heart
moving movie Named Warrior, something inspiring
as rocky but for the whole family, while I bring my
best acting and my best martial arts and action skills
something I haven´t done it yet.
We are currently looking for investors to make this
movie and we have an amazing surprise we have a
big big Super Star that everybody knows around the
world he will be willing to be part of our movie and
I feel so privileged to star on it along this incredi-
ble star I can assure you he is one of my childhood
heroes and meeting and working with him will be a
dream come true to me, I want to be a better role
model if I´m worthy for it for kids around the world.