Page 22 - Martial Science Magazine Oct/2015 #11
P. 22

By the year 2000 the Master Yumak’s idea of Daibukan
             Goshin Jutsu was taking shape as he moved forward
             in martial arts way. It is at this time where he begins
             to  gather  concepts  of  martial  arts  he  practiced  and
             highlighting the importance of the so lost ethics and
             martial tradition. As he began to teach a few students
             also helped as an assistant to the Cuban Association
             of Kenpo and Kaisen Do; alongside these activities, he
             participated in seminars of Aikido, Shorinji Kempo, and
             Ni Ten Ishin Ryu Kenjutsu in the two visits the Japane-
             se Budokan made to the island of Cuba.

             In  2002  he  moved  in  the  United  States,  where  he
             continues learning martial arts, practicing Nambudo,
             Pentak  Silat,  Krav  Maga;  while  he  consolidated  and
             increased their martial skills his own style was stren-

                                              History of the

                        Sekai Daibukan Bugei Renmei

             By the year 2009 he founded the “Daibukan-Goshin-
             jutsu World Organization”; first name given to its con-
             cept that by that time was a self-defense style.

             In 2014 after a restructuring process is modified and
             re-named the Federation under the new name “SEKAI
             DAIBUKAN BUGEI RENMEI” dedicated to the teaching
             of Daibukan Bugei Ryu Ha which already went from
             being a style of self-defense to be a martial system
             with various incorporated programs.

             This federation manages and supervises all affiliated
             Dojo and instructor who trains some of the Ryu Ha
             of “SEKAI DAIBUKAN BUGEI RENMEI”. This federation
             currently has schools in USA, Cuba, Nicaragua, Mexi-
             co, Colombia, Serbia, and soon in Spain and Morocco.

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