Page 21 - Martial Science Magazine Oct/2014 #5
P. 21

opponent hit me similarly . One of the senior students that had That was the first time I felt traditional martial arts work

been coaching me at the time , my good friend and big bro Rejj against an uncooperative opponent intent on really going full

, came over and whispered“ Hey man , you gonna let him do power and trying to clobber me .

that to you ?“                                    In the early 90s I was training with Dave Howard , at that time

                                                  they were training in Brazilain Jiu Jitsu and kickboxing as well

He was half joking but at the same time it was somewhat da- as some Kali and Jeet Kune Do . I saw how they were able to

ring . Being a bit of a wild kid back then, a dare was all it took . easily defeat traditional practitioners with mma , especially on

I looked Rejj right in the eye and confidently proclaimed,“ No ! the ground , and I started to think that mma was the best way

“. So I walked up to the grown man who smacked me while he to go.

was still laughing and jabbed him in the face.

                                                  In the late 90s I was very fortunate to start training with Guro
He stared at me in amazement and yelled out“ GIVE ME SOME Rich Lamoureaux ,first in BJJ and Kickboxing and later in Kali/
GLOVES!!“ I must admit I was scared ! Especially because I was JKD & Sifu Jack Soderberg who taught me Kickboxing , Tibe-
new and had only practiced center line defenses and a jab as a tan Lama Kung Fu , Tai Chi and Mook Jong wooden dummy
counter . Now I am squared off with a pissed off
                                                  training . With my mind kind of stuck on mma, being the un-
grown up , and I am real nervous . I found to my surprise that beatable new thing , something really cool happened to my
everytime he tried to hit me , my centerline would divert his perspective.
attack leaving his face open for my jab . We repeated this 5 These two awsome instructors had a full and complete un-
times , at which point he had given up either to fatigue or he derstanding of not only mma but traditional as well , and the
was just tired of getting jabbed in the face.

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