Page 31 - Martial Science Magazine Oct/2014 #5
P. 31

YOU ARE CLEARLY A LEADER IN THE                    fessor Brian Yoshii. He is a significant influen-
INTERNATIONAL MARTIAL ARTS COM-                    ce in my teaching style, and inspired me over
MUNITY. WHAT LEGACY WOULD YOU                      many years. I would want my friends and stu-
LIKE TO LEAVE BEHIND?                              dents to meet him, and would love to host him
                                                   as an honored guest instructor. I have tremen-
I don’t want anything for myself. I want my stu-   dous admiration and respect for Grandmaster
dents and those interested in learning to take     Pete Morales: he was there when I needed a
what I have taught to the next level. I am not     father figure, he instilled a deep sense of ho-
personally important, but I feel that what I have  nor and respect, and continues to do so to this
learned is important and valuable, and would       day, despite the fact that he is semi-retired from
hope such treasures, which were entrusted to       martial arts. I also admire Sijo Bruce Lee, who
my care through my lifetime, would continue to     was my original inspiration and continues to
be valued and developed through subsequent         inspire me today.
                                                   WHAT MAKES THE IDEAL MARTIAL AR-
                                                   Honor, personal honesty, honest support of
There are truly too many to mention them all:      other martial artists, respect, integrity, genero-
a few names include Eric Lee, Chuck Norris,        sity, compassion, competence, humility, a good
Bob Wall, Al Leung, Allen Joe, Jackie Chan,        motivator, inspirational, willingness to expand
Malia Bernal, Karen Shepard, Al Novak, Ming        and share one’s knowledge, emotional and spi-
Lum, Prof. Ron Esteller. I greatly admire Pro-     ritual strength.

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