Page 6 - Martial Science Magazine 2019 FEB DIG
P. 6


                                                       LUIS CHAVIANO VALDEZ, MY

                                                       HI, READERS OF MARTIAL SCIENCE MAGAZINE, WE
                                                       STARTED THIS 2019 WITH A NEW DESIGN FOR OUR
                                                       MAGAZINE AND I START SHARING A FRAGMENT OF

                                                       MY NEXT BOOK “MARTIAL STORIES” IN THIS FRAG-
                            By Henry Binerfa
                             Martial Science           MENT I TALKED ABOUT MY TEACHER LUIS CHAVIA-
                           Magazine Director           NO VALDEZ AND MY IMPRESSIONS ABOUT MY FIRST
                                                       ENCOUNTER WITH HIM.

                                              that date the style had evolved, and his name had changed
                   “...Jita Kyoei  -  Based on         to KaisenDo - The path of continuous improvement. Maestro

                  mutual support, solidarity           Cuspinera had left Cuba and resided in Spain. Luis Chaviano
                        and helping seekers            Valdez was elected the new technical director for the whole
                                                       Cuba of the new organization of Kaisendo. He was a Mas-
                        find the way to their          ter with a lot of experience in the art of Judo and Jiu Jitsu.
                          own  perfection...”          Undoubtedly, he was a fundamental piece in the formation of

                                                       Sensei Henry and later in the essence of ShinKaiDo Ryu.

                                                       The truth was that I did not believe much in jiujitsu, I was
                                                       young and irreverent, I visited and trained in several schools

                                                       of jiu jitsu, they did not know how to fight they were easy tar-
                                                       gets of my kicks and punches. Somehow, I felt that they were
                                                       outdated and that was an old art. But when I met Master Cha-
                                                       viano, all my perspective changed, that’s why I consider him to

                                                       be someone very important in my career, because he made me
                                                       feel a pain that I had never felt in my life, I could not do any-

                                  Martial Science Magazine, Volume 30, ISBN 9781795461030,  is Published quarterly,
                                           by Martial Science Publications LLC., Phone: (702)439-9071
                            Website: - Email: All rights reserved.

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