Page 15 - Ciencia Marcial 02 para Imprimir_Neat
P. 15

EDUCATION AND INSTRUCTION IN                                “I can sincererly tell you that I am a very
SHINJIMATZU KENPO                                           intense person who lives each day as if it
                                                           were the last day of his life, who deeply lo-
I had heard about the Grand Master’s Rodarte social        ves and respects every living creature and
and educative work from many practicioners, but              who lives, eats and dreams Shinjimatzu
we wanted him to tell us how he could manage
transforming those students who were once lost in                                                 Kenpo”.
darkness. This was his response:

In general terms, I can tell you that once they enter the
gate to my school to start training, their whishes and
expectations will turn mine. It is important to know
what they do, and their real purpose for learning
martial arts. Besides, their character and talents need
to be considered to start developing their hablities;
encouraging self-discipline and strengthening their
bodies, but above all their minds.They should be
compeled to continue educating their personalities
through intelligence studies, because they can not go
through life hitting and hurting people. A few of them,
would like to become figthers and less will achieve this
goal. So, most of them will become educative citizens
who learn to be productive, physically and spiritually
healthy through the practice of martial arts. As
you see, martial arts are for all and can magically
generate better men and women; this is what makes
the training of Shinjimatzu Kenpo successful. Also,
my respectfulness towards my students’ intellect
influences their professional achievements.In many
occasions, they become my teachers and I learn from
their knowledge and talents”.


“The training programs vary depending on the
system, the kind of persons, personnel or season.

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