Page 34 - Ciencia Marcial 02 para Imprimir_Neat
P. 34

ninja justice nor do they describe the arts of shino-
                                                          bi no jutsu, the way of the ninja.

To discover the historical truth behind the ninja,        A ninja or shinobi no mono is a label for a person
the first step must be an identification of what the      with a specific set of skills (with no regard to their
ninja actually were in their correct historical con-      level of capacity) and alternatively, it is a person
text. This task is mistakenly considered easy but         who is carrying out those same skills for a short
which is in fact an impossible network of; dead           duration of time. These skills include the arts of;
ends, fabrications (both historical and modern),          spying and performing as an undercover agent, the
geographical differences, terminology and an evo-         ability to scout within an extremely close proximity
lution of skills which change with the political cli-     to the enemy, even to the level of scouting inside of
mate.                                                     enemy castles and defensive positions or even fur-
Due to the above, often the word ninja comes with         ther, temporarily acting as a member of an enemy
two main suffixes, “ninja assassins” and “ninja           force to gain information before returning to their
spies” both of which have a claim to correctness,         own side. To add to this a ninja was; a person in-
yet fall short of the reality. Ninja were used as assas-  volved in the making and the usage of explosives
sins, but evidence for this is drastically lacking and    in a clandestine military capacity, including arson,
consists of a minor portion of their role, also, ninja    also, someone who can use the skills of breaking
were spies, however, secret agents have existed all       and entering to gain entrance to a fortified house-
over the world and yet ninja remain the most, enig-       hold, whereupon they would steal; conversational
matic, remote and most complex.                           information, documentation, valuables or would
In truth the term assassin and spy do not do the          commit murder upon the residents and set fire
                                                          to the buildings. Further to this, a shinobi was a
                                                          person who acted as a guide in no-man’s-land for
                                                          squads of men or others who wished to make their
                                                          way, normally under the cover of darkness, to the
                                                          enemy side and join in combat or raids. Alongside
                                                          this, they acted as messengers and utilised secret
                                                          codes via; horns, drums, symbols and the written
                                                          letter to transport information. In short, the ninja
                                                          was a, spy-scout-arsonist-thief -killer .
                                                          To help form a solid and true idea of the ninja –
                                                          from the beginning of your investigation - the fo-
                                                          llowing quote has been taken from the 1656 Bukyo
                                                          Zensho military manual and outlines the requires
                                                          and uses of the ninja.
                                                          THOSE WHO SHOULD BE CHOSEN AS NINJA
                                                          1. Those who look stupid but are resourceful and
                                                          talented in speech or are witty.
                                                          2. Those who are capable and act quickly and who
                                                          are stout [and can endure]. Also those who do not
                                                          succumb to illness.

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