Page 4 - Ciencia Marcial 02 para Imprimir_Neat
P. 4
It was a regular day; it was in no way different from can submerge. The ignorant is indulgent; the wise
the other days I’ve had. I started my lesson right at man watches over attention as his greater treasure”.
5:00 in the evening. Soon after the natural routi-
ne, I began the technical training I was supposed The only way to control our mind and spot our
to teach on that session. As it commonly happens mistakes is to watch over attention. We can control,
in every teacher’s lesson, I started to spot some of move, stop, or balance our extremities, our bodies
my students’ technical mistakes at first glance. So, I and mind; nobody can walk our steps, as no one
immediately started to correct them. But to my sur- can enter the gate we have to go through by our-
prise; when I approached one of the practitioners selves.
to make some mistake correction, he turned an ali-
bi-ike and tried to blame his partner, the walls, the Our setting is the opponent, he is in ourselves. We
ground and even the inconveniences of the pitch. must face our inner beings and try to comprehend
It was then that I felt myself obliged to stop my les- our humane weaknesses; we must be respectful
son and make them a report on the Buddhist I had towards our relationships, possessions and wonder
heard a long time ago. about the results of indulgence in our lives. When
Let’s suppose that someone had lost something and we are deeply honest to ourselves we realize that
suddenly that something falls in a hole, the person our selfishness brings us to failure; to accept such
introduces the hand in the hole at once, but unfor- truth is really painful, but warmth becomes neces-
tunately, doesn’t get to the bottom. Immediately, he sary to melt ice; the warmest it is, the faster it melts.
says “the hole is too deep”, he gets about ten more Wisdom is built in the same way; the harder our
people try, but no one of them reaches its paths; so, observation is, the sooner we´ll get to the truth. If
they all say “The hole is too deep”, they will certain- we become wise men, our ego is minimized to a
ly wait for 100 hundred more people, but no one mere nothing; then, the rivalry is finished.
gets to state “my arm is too short”.
Of course, the practitioner noticed his mistake and Finally, I wish these reflections have fulfilled the
rectified it; he begged for forgiveness and has beco- objective of learning the moral hidden within these
me someone special on his performances. But, we paragraphs; I’ll be satisfy if it is so, if it doesn’t I beg
frequently find many who blame others for their you for forgiveness.
mistakes; they spot their partners’ errors but don’t
see theirs. There lies the importance of knowing
oneself, being on the right alert and attention (It is
not only about physical fitness).
A quote on the Buddhist’s goes hereby on this res-
“He, who strengthens himself, remains vigilant, is --------------------------------------------------------------
simple, thoughtful, self-controlled, shows uprightness (1) Paraphrasing the Venerable Ajan Chah.
and is capable to keep increasing alert through his en-
deavor, diligence, discipline and self-control is a wise (2) Dhammapada, Chapter 2, verse 24, 25, 26.
man. Let him make an island in himself that no flood (3) Grand Master Han Shan
Translation: Daryanis Tamayo Fuente.