Page 11 - ImpactReport_FY19
P. 11
New breast center to
bring services under one roof
onors throughout n Capacity will more than
the Dallas community double, from 40,000
gave more than patient visits to more than
$40 million to create a new 100,000 each year.
comprehensive breast center n Exam rooms will increase
at Parkland. The lead gift from nine to 24 and the
of $15 million from the number of mammography
Moody Foundation will units from four to 10.
be recognized by naming “In addition to
the center the Moody Center advancements in breast
for Breast Health. imaging, the center will
The new center will provide surgical, medical and
bring together breast health radiation oncologists, along
services under one roof, with other support services,
making screenings, the ability to work together
treatment and follow-up in the same space and
care more convenient patients will be seen with
for patients; expand much more continuity,”
services, providing a explains W. Phil Evans, MD,
pathway to achieving FACR, FSBI, Clinical Professor
national accreditation; and Division Chief, Breast
Moody Center For Breast Health and improve access Imaging and Director,
through increased space: UT Southwestern Center
n Square footage will for Breast Care.
increase 400%, from 8,000
to 40,000 square feet.
Option 1.1 West Rendering - Overall
Recognition over front entrance walkway
Upper and lowercase Univers LTStd 67 Bold
0’-11” tall
July 3, 2019