Page 5 - ImpactReport_FY19
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ChristiAnn found a
new appreciation for life
hristiAnn Gutierrez a new normal where she
was depressed and has a greater understanding
lethargic for eight of her mental health and
years following a serious appreciation for life.
accident. Without the ability For ChristiAnn, living
to drive or work, she became a fulfilling life included
isolated and depressed. getting back to one of
After sharing her suicidal her passions – reading.
“I know I wouldn’t be where I am today
without Parkland,” ChristiAnn said.
“Parkland helped save my life.”
thoughts with her primary “Reading helps clear my
care physician, she was mind from thinking about
referred to a psychologist how I am feeling or what I
at Parkland. can or can’t do,” she added.
With the support of her “It takes me to a different
family and Parkland’s place and gives me freedom
behavioral health services, in my mind.”
ChristiAnn fought her way
back from hopelessness to