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HISTORY ▪ Our Company was incorporated as Ramky Engineers
Private Limited on April 13, 1994 under the provisions of
the Companies Act. The Company diversified into the
field of infrastructure activities such as construction of
roads, highways, bridges, flyovers, water supply and
irrigation projects, the name of our Company was
changed to Ramky Infrastructure Private Limited
pursuant to a special resolution passed by the
shareholders of our Company at an EGM held on June 16,
2003. The fresh certificate of incorporation consequent
upon the change of name was granted on June 17, 2003
by the RoC. Subsequently, pursuant to a special
resolution passed by the shareholders of our Company at
an EGM held on June 23, 2003, our Company was
converted to a public limited company. The new
certificate of incorporation to reflecting the name change
was issued on June 24, 2003 by the RoC.