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‘ALL PRAISE AND THANKS TO TO THE CREATOR OF ALL ALL ALL LIFE WITH WHOM ALL ALL ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE ’ Innovations of the past currently serve today’s needs Mankind’s future needs will depend upon today’s progressive INNOVATIONS 2020 realities continue to remind us us of – this is is our world come let us us share it! Want need CANNOT FIND develop so that yourself & others can find L T T T I-Tae 2020 Dear loyal Members Masters members and friends of Sam’Tu-Dang The Sam’Tu-Dang 24 hour clock of continuance – continuously ticks
a a a a musical sound of yes Sam’Tu-Dang we need you!
And yes the the the the the the the sound of of we need need something something something – there is is a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a need need for for for for something something something an an an an innovated something something something that could could attempt to to to inclusively input harmoniously into into the wonderful opportunities peace in in in in in our time brought into into the the the minds of especially our forebearers Nevertheless the the the before peace experiences took away many foundational improvements even before their gifts to humanity could be be realised and enjoyed Today the the saying ‘every generation generation produces its own Masters ’ experiences a a a a a a cry for for the the generations before – to to please support step up up to to the the responsibilities of of of a a a a a better understanding of of of knowing that their idea of of of security is is based upon – the the the opportunities others before them innovated and as as such represents uncertainty What is is certain is the reality of everything will CHANGE The present global experience of of uncertainty – teaches directly directly and indirectly of of the need to to seek to to continuously know more more and more more of our very selves The 2020 pandemic goes a a a a a a long way towards explaining the concept of ‘this is is my country’ – being answered by the true fact entitled ‘THIS IS IS OUR WORLD COME LET US SHARE IT ’ Of course sharing does not imply giving away all sharing invites investing an affordable percentage – into the uncertainties that will continue to to dwell in the unseen future of all time We continue to to applaud our government here in in the the UK for the the truly appreciated steps taken to to support all of the the citizens of the the United Kingdom nationally nationally and internationally Please allow us this opportunity of most sincerely thanking our families and extending into the friendly community of humanity being being being separate as one people for the human human human being being being to human human human being being being consistency we continue to share in in all times and seasons We remain pleased – for all all we know at this time when all all of humanity needs friends Hopefully all of of us associated will take moments of of their valuable time to to remember and to to decide if it is important to privately put forward ideas for for the the future direction of our long term investment based upon the the immediate and projected benefits developed within Sam’Tu-Dang At the the onset of the the lock down two main reasons to leave our homes were given – acquiring food and exercise Sam’Tu-Dang brought exercise – coupled with a a a a a a a a a a a social dimension available to the the local national and the the international community of one one people – separate as one one Wishing you you your family and all all associated well for the continuing season of goodwill to all all mankind THE THE THE SYSTEMS WITHIN WHICH THEY FIND THEMSELVES
Of course all all all human human human beings beings are doing alright within the the the the the the systems systems systems in in in in in in in in in which they find find themselves It is is prudent to to to wonder if the the systems today will be able to to to serve the the future needs of humanity comprehensively tomorrow Let us us us remember that the things we human beings use today arrived before us us us all and remains older than us all The question is should we want or or need to to find time to to better understand our support systems – past and and present and and into the future A point of of of reference relative to support support support reminds us of of of supporting supporting by supporting supporting needs and wants identified of of of the receiver before before before before The Master Laurie T T T Ince-Tae — C/Chief Instructor & Consultant Editor
The publishers do do not necessarily agree with the the the views expressed by contributors nor do do we accept any any responsibility for any any errors in in transmission in in the the the subject matter of the the the publication © Sam’Tu-Dang Society of Martial Arts Sport 2020 Copyright All rights reserved Materials e e e e e e e e e e e e e e g g g g g g g photographs manuscripts etc contributed to to The Sam’Tu-Dang Magazine shall be deemed original & do not infringe upon the the copyright of any other publication Any material submitted to to the the the the Sam’Tu-Dang Magazine becomes the the the the property of of the the the the same unless requested by by the the the the contributor and accompanied by by a a a a a a a a a a a a a a stamped addressed envelope No part of of this publication shall be reproduced without the the written permission of the the publishers U K 2 50
asking yourself to accept the realities centred around knowledge of the SOCIAL CURRENCY your whole being continues subconsciously into consciously consciously – during and after your physical birth into the Planet-Earth our our home only for a a season SOCIAL CURRENCY Social currency is as as axiomatic as as breathing the breath breath of of life It is only/mainly the reality of of social currency that allows all all life forms to care for for their new born babies THE BALANCE OF CONTINUING LIFE Mankind uses the the most most social currency as the the most most successful life form Successful communities equal – comprehensive use of social currency Yes it is is time time – at this in in these uncertain times (currently the the pandemic) for all humans to to honestly return to to the the honest use of social currency thereby rekindling being- becoming better human beings consciously knowledgable
of of the purity of of social currency SOCIAL CURRENCY is the oldest of currencies Suffice it to say that when and at at times popular currencies find themselves adjusting and in in in need of control social currency axiomatically steps in/surfaces in in support of mankind’s need for each other to simply survive All communities of of mankind carry a a a piece of of the puzzle of life life and why life life in physical form for for a a a a season Hopefully a a continuing season of goodwill to ALL MANKIND Social currency will be there/here forever continually rising up up up in in in support of life upon within around and continuing life as we human beings know it in in in in service to mankind – all people whatever their social or economic backgrounds of our one world – come let us share it currently the the 2020 pandemic affords us the the reality of BREATHING all of life life breathing and continuing life life exchanging gases ‘Everything is always easy once it’s understood ’ ’ Social currency is the bedrock of all community building processes The Master – L T T T I-Tae Sam’Tu-Dang Sam’Tu-Dang Black Sash Presentation Magazine – Issue 39 • 2020/21 Sam’Tu-Dang Sam’Tu-Dang TLC Greaves Place London SW17 0NE UK Page 1 1 1 The question of 2021 to all adults adults & young adults adults would you you you like to to be told that you you you are are right when you you you are are wrong?

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