Page 4 - Test Demo
P. 4
Lighter Comments As Food For Thought Help –A
cries out to a n o t h e r person
saying I need help Why is help needed? And the person
asking for help at times reverts to their usual without expensive learning state and replies in in overconfidence intent asking their hopeful benefactor questions alikened to where have you you been do you you not know that there is a a pandemic even going on
to seemingly belittle the possible benefactor's educational and mental state which invites the discussion to become loudly abusive and be concluded with each party going their separate ways and no help received by the the person
– (and at the the time)
their family WE ARE ALL FREE
Isolation self isolate minimal personal contact wear masks protect each other heavy fines for not obeying the ruling/dictates social distancing 3 meters apart from each other and so on
We We are all free We We can only be completely free if we could live in a world of our own populated by one person
Associating with each other must be learnt and continued to be learnt as new challenges emerges to test mankind's development rights The current pandemic also represent another opportunity for mankind to reconsider selfishness and to pull back from amplifying selfishness Our earlier as entitled Sam’Tu-Dang We Need You
invited and attracted the most comments – Why? Positively balanced fellowshipping to all mankind The Master L T T T I-Tae
Inviting the supporting necessities of life to support us from wherever and whenever it may come as we continue to to be prepared to to receive whatever we need as a a light into darkness visible TO SILENTLY SPEAK
The voice of mankind must continue to silently speak responsibly – as becomes necessary to the child clearer to the youth and the young adult – before being as as clear as as is necessary to the adult and maturing adult about the early beginnings of their individual life mainly because of misconceptions and to the extreme – criminal dishonesty by adults seeking to by any means justify their wanting simplicity that is forged in underdevelopment and the feeling (personal) of completing life's complex challenges – before true maturity is experienced only to to be be continued to to be be experienced until the time comes to truly know A time when all life comes to know of before beginning and end into another before and on
and on
forever Parents are are before children In childhood a child should be reminded during their youthful years to remember their childhood investigating pleasantly from their their parents and their their guardian/trusted adults reasons for one thing or or another Adults should be honest in the the presence of the the innocence of childhood Nevertheless being economical with the truth at times stores up the treasure of knowing when it is the safest of times to know – a a coming to know Trusting oneself (parent
or child) invites caution into the arena(s) of revelations In the scriptures (bible) the book of revelations is placed at the conclusion of books in the book book of many books Question to the reader of this attempt invites honesty into the thought patterns and to amplify honest remembering Did you and do you you remember your childhood – your early years All childhood contains pleasure and pains (you will never truly be alone) It is is hereby advised to take the VOW of ensuring that you you do your best in helping all children to be able to better enjoy their childhood The Master Laurie T T Ince-Tae C/Chief Instructor of Sam’Tu-Dang Page 2 2 2 2 Sam’Tu-Dang Sam’Tu-Dang Black Sash Presentation Magazine – Issue 39 • 2020/21 Sam’Tu-Dang Sam’Tu-Dang TLC Greaves Place London SW17 0NE UK