Page 121 - 17-45 March 3 2021
P. 121

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                                 LIFE HACKS

            Have a sore throat? Mix    Tired of messy cake cutting?   Lemons, oranges, and limes
            water, 2 tbsp honey, 2 tbsp   Run your knife under hot   repel spiders. Simply mix one or
            vinegar, dash of cinnamon   water, dry it off, then cut   all of them with water in a
            and 2 tbsp of lemon juice.   your cake.  Works like a   spray bottle and spray in
            Mix well and drink, you’ll   charm.  You may need to   doorways, windowsills and
            feel better within the hour.   re-heat a few times if you’re   wherever you’ve seen spiders.
                Works every time!        cutting a whole cake.

          March 3 '21        The Bulletin  718.387.0123  •       Y-16
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