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to your diet as a treat and consult Chocolate Brownies Recipe:
your nutrition counselor about
how much you can have each time Ingredients:
you make the change to a darker 10 Medjool dates
chocolate that has less sugar. You ¼ cup apple sauce
may be able to have more as a treat if ¼ cup peanut butter powder
the nutritional content of the darker 2 eggs
chocolates allows! ¼ cup cocoa
Lastly, look for alternative treats to Truvia to taste
help ease those cravings. If they’re ¼ cup sugar free chocolate chips
just due to stress, try and get a
quick workout in. If they’re hunger Directions:
driven, look for healthy alternatives Mix everything together
that substitute the chocolate with Put in a glass Pyrex (8” X 8”) over
a protein-packed snack such as parchment paper.
flavored or unflavored Greek yogurt Bake at 325°F for 30-40 minutes.
with no added sugar or a high fiber Divide into 8 squares.
protein bar. These types of options
will help curb your cravings and Count one square as a snack.
keep you fuller, longer until your
next meal.
Alice Harrosh is a Nutrition Counselor and
Manager at Nutrition by Tanya with ten lo- Miami
cations including one in Williamsburg. Alice Borough Park
knows that making healthy choices is not al- Flatbush
ways easy as she has been through the struggle Williamsburg
herself. As an optimistic person, Alice's favorite Queens
Five Towns
quote is: "It's never too late to start eating bet- Monroe
ter. If you have a bad morning, make it a better Monsey
afternoon." For more information on Nutrition Lakewood
by Tanya or the TAP (Tanya approved prod- Deal
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ucts) food line, please visit www.nutritionbytan- Jerusalem or call 844-Tanya-Diet (844-826-9234). Upstate (SUMMER ONLY)
For daily tips and inspiration, you may follow
@nutritionbytanya on Instagram.
Y-45 The Bulletin 718.387.0123 • March 3 '21