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Academic & Social
Skills Insights #31
By Rifka Schonfeld, Director of S.O.S.
(Strategies For Optimum Success)
Q: Our two and a half year old, the
youngest of eight children, started We’ll like to know what this problem
three months ago behaving awk- is about, and if it is a new problem
wardly, mostly in the day care center or it is an old one with a new name?
(playgroup): closing his eyes or blink- (Two of our eight children are P.D.D.)
keeping himself separate from the -
rest of the group. He stopped play- ently than they used to – it is always
ing with the other children and only
wants every thing his way. about the change. Therefore, I com-
and not just assuming that this issue
will resolve itself.
At home he is always nervous and
gets upset about very small things.
others including himself and me, his
mother. He also wants to rule and be
your son, I am not sure if I will be
able to answer completely accurate-
ly. I will do my best to respond to the
We consulted an expert who told us encourage you to meet with an ed-
problems” and we should go to a psy-
chologist to get help on how to assess your son in person.