Page 5 - Quarterly Checkup_Winter 2018
P. 5
Employee of the Quarter
October 1 – December 31, 2018
Bao Pham Eric Lopez Angela Villaseñor
IT Technician Appointment Scheduler Medical Records
Bao has demonstrated Eric has been a great Angela has exhibited a
high professionalism in asset to the organization team player attitude not
his work as an IT by being flexible and only with her teammates
Technician. He is always bringing a great attitude but with other depart-
ready to help users -- to the table. ments.
regardless of the request
– and always approaches He is extremely helpful. She takes the initiative to
users with a smile. His ability to step outside engage in projects and is
of his comfort area is what supportive and respectful
makes Eric successful and of others. Additionally,
In a very short time, he
is going to continue to Angela has demonstrated
acquired deep bring him success in the to be both reliable and
knowledge of the future. There hasn’t been responsible.
systems used in the one time where a task is
Clinic, making him a very assigned to him where he
important person for the gives push back, which is
IT Department and an attribute that cannot
Saban. be taught. It’s something
that does not go
unnoticed and is very
BEVERLY much appreciated.
Malena has great, positive energy. She is always very
cheerful and pleasant to work with. She goes above
and beyond to help our patients, from getting their
medications to getting their prior authorizations and
refills taken care of. She brings the staff up with her
enthusiasm. She is an amazing and kind person to work
Malena Faulconer
Medical Assistant