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                      SLP010        SLP011           SLP012                               GC020

                                                            Sales    Manufacturer              RRP Price                          TePe Interdental Brushes
           Item Code  Pip Code  Item Description                               Cost £   Saving          POR
                                                           Multiple  Trade £                  (inc VAT)
            ALP001  255-6512  Aloe Dent Original Aloe Vera Mint Toothpaste   6  £2.27  £1.81  20%  £4.59  53%                     Refreshed for 2017                                                         New translucent
                            with Co-Q-10                                                                                                                                                                     neck highlighting
            ALP002  272-8988  Aloe Dent Sensitive Mint Toothpaste with   6  £2.27  £1.81  20%  £4.59    53%
                            Echinacea 100ml                                                                                                                                                                  the patented
            ALP003  272-9002  Aloe Dent Whitening with Silica 100ml  6  £2.27  £1.81   20%     £4.59    53%                       94% of UK Dental Hygienists* choose TePe Interdental                       fl exible tip
            ALP007  358-8175  Aloe Dent Children's Toothpaste 50ml  6  £2.52  £1.83    28%     £3.59    39%                       Brushes, an effective home care solution for maintaining                   Pink, Orange, Red and
                                                                                                                                                                                                             Blue brushes only.
            ARM6            Arm & Hammer Enamel Pro Repair Toothpaste 75ml  12  £2.89  £2.30  21%  £4.25  35%
            ARM8            Arm & Hammer Extra White Care Toothpaste 125ml  12  £0.95  £0.82  13%  £2.99  67%                     periodontal health.
            EUTHY   261-8148  Euthymol Toothpaste            12      £1.41    £1.34    5%      £2.29    30%
            RI010           OraNurse Unflavoured Toothpaste 50ml  12  £2.10   £1.78    15%     £3.49    39%                       * Source. A survey of Dental Hygienists in the UK, Eaton et al (2012).
            RI015           OraNurse Unflavoured Toothpaste 4+ Years - 50ml  12  £2.10  £1.78  15%  £3.49  39%
            RI020           OraNurse Unflavoured Toothpaste 0-3 Years - 50ml  12  £2.10  £1.78  15%  £3.49  39%
            FRESH BREATH                                                                                                          For more information visit           @TePeUK
            FB001           Dr. Wieder's Original Tung-Brush  6      £2.89    £2.00    31%     £4.99    52%
            FB002           Dr. Wieder's Tung-Gel             6      £2.89    £2.00    31%     £4.99    52%
            RET001  371-0647  UltraDex Oral Rinse + Fluoride 500ml  6  £5.55  £4.56    18%     £7.99    32%
            RET002  383-1682  UltraDex Spray                 12      £2.06    £1.82    12%     £2.99    27%
            RET005  371-0472  UltraDex Toothpaste + Fluoride 75ml  6  £3.60   £3.35    7%      £8.15    51%
            VIT003          VITIS Orthodontic Wax 2's        12      £2.72    £2.45    10%     £4.25    31%
            BRACE1          Retainer Brite Tablets 36's       6      £4.35    £3.44    21%     £5.99    31%
            TREATMENT                                                                                                                                                                                        New branded
            GC010           GC Tooth Mousse 40g - Assorted Flavours  5  £9.99  £8.99   10%     £14.95   28%                                                                                                  dual purpose
            GC020           MI Paste Plus 40g - Assorted Flavours  5  £11.25  £9.99    11%     £16.95   29%                                                                                                  cap and handle
            SLP010          SleepRight Dura Comfort Dental Guard  1  £28.95   £24.58   15%     £45.95   36%                                                                                                  extension
            SLP011          SleepRight Secure Comfort Dental Guard  1  £22.00  £18.43  16%     £35.95   38%
            SLP012          SleepRight Slim Comfort Dental Guard  1  £22.00   £18.43   16%     £35.95   38%
            SLP013          SleepRight Dental Guard - Select  1     £21.95    £16.62   24%     £29.99   33%
                                                                                                                                  TePe Interdental Brushes (9 sizes)  TePe Angle™ (6 sizes)

                              FREE DELIVERY ON ORDERS OVER £150

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