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                                                                                                                                              GG001                  GG002

                                                                                                                                                                                       620B        IPG05      DC190          690B

                            SEC005                                                     DA300

                                                                                                                                           GG003               GG004

                                                                                                                                      IP41 - 0.6mm  IP42 - 0.7mm  IP43 - 0.9mm  IP44 - 1.0mm  IP45 - 1.1mm  IP46 - 1.3mm  IP47 - 1.3mm  IP48 - 2.2mm

                        435B       449              PRX001          PRX002            PRX003         SU102
                                                            Sales    Manufacturer              RRP Price
           Item Code  Pip Code  Item Description                               Cost £   Saving          POR
                                                           Multiple  Trade £                  (inc VAT)
            DA310           VITIS Junior Toothbrush 3 year+  12      £1.89    £1.70    10%     £2.95    31%                               IP61 - 0.6mm  IP62 - 0.7mm  IP63 - 0.9mm  IP64 - 1.0mm  IP65 - 1.1mm  IP66 - 1.3mm  IP67 - 2.1mm  IP68 - 2.4mm  IP69 - 2.7mm
            DA311           VITIS Junior Toothpaste 75ml      6      £2.25    £2.03    10%     £3.49    30%
            DAILY BRUSHING                                                                                                                                                         Sales    Manufacturer              RRP Price
            DA300           VITIS Access Toothbrush - Medium  12     £2.49    £2.24    10%     £3.85    30%                        Item Code  Pip Code  Item Description          Multiple  Trade £    Cost £   Saving  (inc VAT)   POR
            DA301           VITIS Access Toothbrush - Soft   12      £2.49    £2.24    10%     £3.85    30%                        GUM CARE
            SU101           Dr. Barman's Superbrush - Regular (Adult)  12  £3.10  £2.79  10%   £4.69    29%                        GG001           Gengigel Mouthrinse 150ml         6      £6.05    £5.49    9%      £9.35    30%
            SU111           Dr. Barman's Superbrush - Compact (6-12 yrs)  12  £3.10  £2.79  10%  £4.69  29%                        GG002           Gengigel Gel 20ml                 6      £5.04    £4.72    6%      £7.95    29%
            SU121           Dr. Barman's Superbrush - Child (up to 6 yrs)  12  £3.10  £2.79  10%  £4.69  29%                       GG004           Gengigel Teen Gel 15ml            6      £5.04    £4.72    6%      £7.95    29%
            DENTURE CARE                                                                                                           GG003           Gengigel Spray 60ml               6      £5.04    £4.72    6%      £7.95    29%
            SEC005          SECURE Denture Bonding Cream 40g  6      £3.68    £3.31    10%     £5.49    28%                        INTERDENTAL CLEANING
            SEC010          SECURE Denture Adhesive Strips 15's  6   £3.68    £3.31    10%     £5.49    28%                        403A            Dent-O-Care 403a Interspace Long Head/Medium  12  £1.45  £1.31  10%  £2.20  29%
            SEC020          SECURE Denture Cleaner 32's       6      £2.69    £2.42    10%     £4.20    31%                        620B            Dent-O-Care Interdental Brush 2.7mm 6's  12  £1.79  £1.61  10%     £2.69    28%
            SEC040          SECURE Sensitive Denture Bonding Cream 40g  6  £3.68  £3.31  10%   £5.49    28%                        621B            Dent-O-Care Interdental Brush 3.0mm 6's  12  £1.79  £1.61  10%     £2.69    28%
            FLOSSING                                                                                                               622B            Dent-O-Care Interdental Brush 4.0mm 6's  12  £1.79  £1.61  10%     £2.69    28%
            435B            Dent-O-Care Extra Wide Flossing Tape 100m  20  £3.59  £3.23  10%   £5.49    29%                        624B            Dent-O-Care Interdental Brush 5.0mm 6's  12  £1.79  £1.61  10%     £2.69    28%
            449             Dent-O-Care Floss Holder         12      £2.55    £2.30    10%     £3.95    30%                        625B            Dent-O-Care Interdental Brush 8.0mm 6's  12  £1.79  £1.61  10%     £2.69    28%
            PRX001          ProxySoft Bridge & Implant Floss 30's  6  £4.29   £3.86    10%     £6.49    29%                        690B            Dent-O-Care Brush Sticks 10's    12      £3.10    £2.79    10%     £4.69    29%
            PRX002          ProxySoft 3 In 1 Floss 100's      6      £5.49    £4.94    10%     £8.39    29%                        DC190           Dr Barman Superstick 100's       12      £2.55    £2.30    10%     £3.89    29%
            PRX003          ProxySoft Perio Floss 50's        6      £5.49    £4.94    10%     £8.39    29%                        IP41 - IP48     Interprox 6’s                    12      £2.89    £2.60    10%     £4.35    28%
            FRESH BREATH                                                                                                           IP61 - IP69     Interprox Plus 6‘s               12      £3.15    £2.84    10%     £4.85    30%
            TC999           Halita Tongue Cleaner            12      £2.25    £2.03    10%     £3.49    30%                        IPG05           Interproximal Gel 20ml           12      £2.61    £2.61    0%      £4.49    30%

                              FREE DELIVERY ON ORDERS OVER £150                                                                                                                   To place your order call us on 0800 980 1517
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