Page 15 - Annual_Report_2016
P. 15

Single Family                                                                  Multifamily Rental
 Rental Program                                                                         Program

 Ursula Berrymon, a single mother                                        Maria Lira stands in the doorway of
 of three girls, has participated in                                     her new affordable apartment at the
 TSAHC’s Single Family Rental                                             Rollins Martin Apartments in east
 Program for the past three years.                                       Austin.  TSAHC renovated her three
 The program provides her family                                            bedroom, two bathroom unit by
 with an affordable home in Cedar                                        replacing the counter tops, cabinets
 Park (an Austin suburb), in a                                              and flooring, and repainting the
 neighborhood with good                                                             interior before she
 schools.                                                                                moved in.

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