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 46. Jones, Virgil Carrington (Pat). True Tales of Old Madison County (Alabama) - Tales of Early Madison County Pioneers and Their Historic Old Homes. Huntsville, AL: Johnson Historical Publications, 1970.
47. Lazenby, Marion Elias. History of Methodism in Alabama and West Florida: Being an Account of the Amazing March of Methodism through Alabama and West Florida. Nashville, TN, 1960.
48. Madison Centennial Historical Record: Commemmorating the Hundredth Anniversary of the Incorporation of Madison, Alabama. 1969. (In Heritage Room, Huntsville-Madison County Public Library.)
49. Marks, Henry S. Sketches of the Tennessee Valley in Antebellum Days: People, Places, Things. Huntsville, AL: Southern Press, 1976.
50. Marshall, James William. The Presbyterian Church in Alabama. Presbyterian Historical Society of Alabama, 1977.
51. Maulsby, Ann Geiger. Children of Industrial Huntsville, 1908-1915. (In Heritage Room, Huntsville- Madison County Public Library.)
52. Maulsby, Ann Geiger. Merrimack Cemetery. Privately printed, Huntsville, Alabama, 1998.
53. Maulsby, Ann Geiger. Teachers and Schools of Huntsville, Alabama - 1859-1940. 1989. (In Heritage
Room, Huntsville-Madison County Public Library.)
54. McDonald, Tom, and James Record, ed. Commemorative Album Celebrating Our City’s
Sesquicentennial of Progress. Huntsville, AL, 1955.
55. McMillan, Malcolm C. “Alabama Constitution of 1819: A Study of Constitution-Making on the
Frontier.” Alabama Review, October 1950.
56. McMillan, Malcolm C. Constitutional Development in Alabama, 1798-1901. Chapel Hill, NC:
University of North Carolina Press, 1955.
57. Milam, David. The Birthplace of Alabama Freemasonry. Huntsville, AL, 1996.
58. Miller, Dale. The Huntsville Church Story: A History of the Churches of Huntsville, Alabama. 1949.
(In Heritage Room, Huntsville-Madison County Public Library.)
59. Moore, A. D. History of Alabama. 1934. Tuscaloosa: Alabama Book Store, 1951.
60. Morrison, Richard D. History of Alabama A&M University, 1875-1992. Huntsville, AL: Liberal
Arts Press, 1994.
61. New Market Volunteer Fire Department. Memories and History of New Market, AL. Two volumes. 62. Norris, Dr. George D., and Dr. Francisco Rice. “History of New Market, Alabama.” Compiled by the
Huntsville-Madison County Public Library from The New Market Enterprise. (Paper in Heritage
Room, Huntsville-Madison County Public Library.)
63. Nuermberger, Ruth Ketring. The Clays of Alabama: a Planter-Lawyer-Politician Family. Lexington,
KY: The University Press of Kentucky, 1958.
64. Owen, Thomas M. History of Alabama and Dictionary of Alabama Biography. 4 vols. 1921.
65. Pound, Merritt B. Benjamin Hawkins - Creek Agent. Athens, GA: University of Georgia Press, 1951.
66. Pruitt, Ranee. Battle of Buckhorn Tavern. Souvenir Program, 1996.
67. Ramage, James A. A Rebel Raider: The Life of General John Hunt Morgan. Lexington, KY: The
University Press of Kentucky, 1986.
68. Record, James. A Dream Come True - The Story of Madison County and Incidentally of Alabama and
the United States. Vols. 1 and 2. Huntsville, AL: John Hicklin Printing Company, 1970, 1978.
69. Record, James. “A Report on Madison County, Its History, Operation and Finances.” 1951. (In
Heritage Room, Huntsville-Madison County Public Library.)
70. Reid, Avery Hamilton. Baptists in Alabama - Their Organization and Witness. Birmingham, AL:
Banner Press, 1967.
71. Remington, W. Craig and Thomas J. Kallsen. Historical Atlas of Alabama Volume I: Historical
Locations by County. Tuscaloosa, AL: Cartographic Research Laboratory, 1997.

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