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74. Riley, Rev. B. F., D.D. History of the Baptists of Alabama: From the Time of Their First Occupation of Alabama in 1808, until 1894. Birmingham, AL: Roberts & Sons, 1895.
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76. Roberts, Frances C. “The Public Square in Madison County.” Huntsville Historical Review Vol 20, No. 2(1993): 7-29.
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79. Roberts, Frances C. “Thomas Freeman - Surveyor of the Old Southwest.” Alabama Review, 1987.
80. Robey, Diane; Dorothy Scott Johnson; John Rison Jones, Jr.; and Frances C. Roberts. Maple Hill
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81. Rogers, William Warren; Robert David Ward; Leah Rawls Atkins; and Wayne Flynt. Alabama: the
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82. Royall, Anne Newport. Letters from Alabama - 1817-1822. Tuscaloosa, AL: University of Alabama
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83. Ryan, Patricia H. Northern Dollars for Huntsville Spindles. Huntsville, AL: Huntsville Planning
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84. Sellers, James B. Slavery in Alabama. Tuscaloosa, AL: University of Alabama Press, 1950.
85. Shenk, Charlotte Forgey, and Donald Hugh Shenk. History of the First Presbyterian Church -
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86. Simpson, Fred B., with Mary N. Daniel and Gay C. Campbell. The Sins of Madison County.
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88. Stuhlinger, Ernst, and Frederick I. Ordway III. Wemher von Braun: Crusader for Space - A
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