Page 2 - Discover intelligent security for your organization
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How will you protect your

                       organization from evolving threats?

                       Integrate real-time, high-fidelity intelligence

                       directly into your security operations

                       As cyberattacks continue to grow in number and in sophistication, security teams are left with
                       little time and resources to address them. Traditional firewalls and signature-based anti-malware
                       solutions are not always best suited to handle advanced persistent threats. More enterprises need
                       a stronger cybersecurity posture given today’s threat landscape and many are prioritizing cloud-
                       based, privacy-enhancing solutions.

                           By 2025, cloud-native       Gartner predicts that by 2023,      By 2025, 50% of large
                         platforms will serve as the      75% of security failures         organizations will adopt
                       foundation for more than 95%       will be due to insufficient    privacy-enhancing compu-
                         of new digital initiatives. 1   management of identities,       tation for processing data in
                                                          access, and privileges. 2       untrusted environments. 3

                       2 » Discover intelligent security for your organization
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