Page 6 - Your data. Your work site. Together at last.
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                                            Improve efficiency

                                            Rework, RFIs, and change orders are more than
                                            just an unavoidable part of construction; they can
                                            crush your productivity and profitability.

                                            When specialty contractors and tradespeople are able to visualize
                                            their scope of work and see how it interacts with other systems, they
                                            plan and perform their jobs more efficiently and accurately. That’s
                                            where Trimble Connect comes in. Using 3D models overlaid onto
                                            existing structures and systems, workers can perform better and
                                            detect clashes faster – all while avoiding costly hits to profit margins.

                                            Keep every stakeholder in the loop.

                                            Trimble Connect lets your         that deploy Trimble Connect
                                            team perform immersive pre-       using the industry-compliant
                                            construction “walkthroughs”       Trimble XR10 with HoloLens 2
                                            using a 3D coordinated model      device can ensure everyone is
                                            that can be viewed by both        on the same page to shorten
                                            remote and local stakeholders     project schedules, reduce costs,
                                            using Trimble XR10 with           eliminate rework, and support
                                            HoloLens 2. Teams can better      additional workloads like on-site
                                            clarify design intent prior to    assembly, progress tracking, and
                                            construction, making it easier to   even asset management.
                                            route changes and RFIs. Teams

                                            Avoid disruption
                                            Support nearly every design file type for contractors – from
                                            2D to 5D models – using the XR10 with HoloLens 2. And
                                            leverage the best possible mixed reality experience with
                                            an industry-leading 43-degree field-of-view and improved
                                            hand and eye tracking sensors for automatic calibration and
                                            instinctual interaction with menus and holograms.

               Trimble. Transforming the way the world works.
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