Page 4 - Advanced Security, Access Controls, and Performance Optimization for Any App, Anywhere
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            Ensure Extensive Application

            Security – F5 Advanced WAF

            Protect your entire application portfolio anywhere across your
            hybrid-cloud architecture

            With the increase in volume and sophistication of   enabling consistent policy implementation and central-
            attacks, keeping up to date on security threat types and   ized policy management across clouds. Utilizing behav-
            protection measures can prove to be a challenge in any   ioral analytics, machine learning, and an extensive
            environment, let alone across multiple disparate envi-  suite of defense mechanisms, F5 Advanced WAF helps
            ronments. How do you consistently protect your brand   organizations secure against the full spectrum of appli-
            and revenue streams from malicious attacks as your   cation layer and API threats, including Denial-of-Service
            applications are increasingly deployed across complex,   attacks, bot attacks, and common vulnerabilities like
            distributed cloud architectures?                    the OWASP 10. A simplified deployment process with
                                                                turnkey protection options enables F5 Advanced WAF
            Whether deployed as a virtual instance in the cloud or   to be ready in minutes; helping you quickly fulfill your
            a physical appliance on-premises, F5® Advanced Web   shared security model responsibilities and meet any
            Application Firewall (WAF) delivers identical levels of   regulatory compliance requirements.
            protection throughout your application portfolio while
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