Page 13 - The Cornerstone September 2019
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Upcoming Events         Upcoming Events

 Wedneday, Sept. 11 @ 6:30 p.m.  Sunday, Sept. 22 @ 12:00 p.m.  THE GATESWORTH  SPIRITUALITY GROUP   HALLOWEEN HOWL

 Thursday, Oct. 3 @ 11:00 a.m.   Wednesday, Oct. 16 @ 6:00 p.m.                  Sunday, Oct. 27 @ 2:00 p.m.
 Young Adults BYOB will meet at   EYC will meet regularly on the   CHORAL EVENSONG
 Fallon’s Irish Bar & Grill, 9200   third Sunday of every month   All are welcome to gather with   Parishioner Sabine McDowell   Sunday, Oct. 13 @ 5:00 p.m.  Dress in your Halloween best
 Olive Blvd, #116.  following the 10:30 worship   parishioners who reside at   will lead a discussion of the   for pumpkin painting, music,
 service. This will be a time for us   the Gatesworth for a monthly   book Breathing Under Water   In this service, we hear music from   and trick-or-treating around
 to seek a deeper connection to   celebration of the Holy Eucharist.    by Richard Rohr over supper on   just before and just after the turn   the upper circle. This year, furry
 Christ and one another through   Worship happens on the 1st   four Wednesday evenings. We   of the last century. The canticles   friends are also invited to join
 fun, fellowship, and intentional   Thursday of each month at 11:00   will explore ways to incorporate   are the Evening Service in B minor   in the fun! All ages are welcome
 time exploring the complexities of   a.m. in Club West, across from the   Twelve Step spirituality into our   by T. Tertius Noble. The anthem is   for this Halloween Spooktacular!
                                                                                 Parishioners are welcome to bring
 ST. PETER’S DAY  life and asking questions of faith.  Bistro in the West Wing of One   life even if we do not struggle with   Hail, gladdening light by Charles   blankets or lawn chairs and hand
                                              Wood. Sung by the St. Peter’s
 Sunday, September 15  Next date: Sunday, Oct. 20  McKnight Place.  Singers.     out candy to trrick-or-treaters,
            Next: Oct. 23, 30, and Nov. 6                                        then stay for the Choral Concert.
 We will celebrate our patronal   Next date: Thursday, Nov. 7  Next date: Sunday, Nov. 10
 feast during both worship services.
 Then the party will continue in the
 garden with a festive picnic, music,
 bounces house and games for the
 kids, and fellowship for all.  Bring a
 side or dessert to share!

 INDABA NIGHTS  BLESSING OF THE                                                  CHORAL CONCERT

 Wednesday, Sept. 25 @ 5:30 p.m.  ANIMALS  ST. JOHN’S PEACE MEAL  ST. PETER’S CARES   Sunday, Oct. 27 @ 4:00 p.m.
 Saturday, Oct. 5 @ 10:00 a.m.   Saturday, Oct. 12 @ 2:00 p.m.  TRAINING
 Indaba Nights is an invitation to                                               A masterpiece of the choral
 increase understanding, deepen   Whether your beloved pet is furry,   If you would like to cook and/or   Wednesday, Oct. 23 @ 6:00 p.m.   repertoire. French composer
 relationships, and build a stronger   feathered, or of the scaly variety,   serve dinner for St. John’s Peace   Saturday, Oct. 26 @ 9:00 a.m.  Maurice Duruflé (1902–1986)
 community here at St. Peter’s by   all are invited to St. Peter’s annual   Meal at St. John’s Tower Grove,   This fall, for the first time, St.   elevates ancient plainsong
 spending time together in worship,   blessing of the animals. We will   contact Bill Gilbert,    Peter’s Cares annual training   melodies with post-impressionistic
 SANDWICH MAKERS  fellowship, and deep discussion.   gather on the front lawn on a or    is open to all members of the   harmony and builds on sacred

 Sunday, Sept. 22 @ 9:15 a.m.  Choose from three courses and   beautiful Saturday morning to give   314-283-5288. Volunteers must   parish as we explore the subject   tradition to create an ecstatic
 register online. The cost is $10 per   be at least 12 years old.  of EMPATHY and learn to be   piece of liturgical music. The St.
 Gather in the kitchen to assemble   thanks to God for these special   empathetic listeners. For more
 sandwiches for Sunshine   evening.  members of our family.  info, see page 11.  Peter’s Choir with orchestra;
 Ministries.   Next: October 2, 9, and 16                                        Nicholas Bideler, organ. This
                                                                                 concert is free and all are
 Next date: Sunday, Oct. 27                                                      welcome.

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