Page 9 - The Cornerstone September 2019
P. 9

Sunday School and


 Each Fall St. Peter’s Sunday School classrooms   own Connect Bible, which is
 are such a wonderful place of learning, service   used for the Fourth and Fifth Grade
 and excitement.  The Nursery is a joyous time with   curriculum. Grades Six and Seven have a   Parents!
 little friends exploring our well-equipped, bright   blended experience of worship and being in
 and sunny classroom.  Families begin their Sunday   the classroom, with a greater emphasis on   October 6, 13 and 20 we will
 morning with Children’s Chapel in Grace Chapel,   worship.  We encourage our Middle Schoolers   be introducing a new Family
 10:15 to 10:25 am, and the children take part in the   to take an active role in worship by serving as   Education Series called Faith
 service by being readers, ushers and acolytes.    acolytes, choristers, ushers and lectors.  Our   at Home.  It will be a series
 Kindergarten through Grade Three use the Holy Moly   young children in the parish lead by example in   designed to help parents iden-
 Curriculum from Augsburg Fortress Press during   Christian Service and this Fall we will continue   tify ways through which they
 their 10:30 am class.  We also learn the history of   our Children’s Ministries of Sandwich Making for   can model a life of faith for
 our church, the life of St. Peter, Baptism, The Lord’s   the homeless at Sunshine Ministries, Blessing   their children. We will meet at
 Prayer, the Episcopal Shield, and different parts of   Bags for those in need, and Caring Cards for   9:15am in Grace Chapel.
 the sanctuary. Fourth Grade children receive their  parishioners.

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