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                                                              BERSIH & ASLI
                                                                            ADABI CONSUMER
                                                                      BERSIH & ASLI
                                    BERSIH & ASLI                   adabi     MALAYSIA
                                                                    NO 1 MALAYSIAN FAVOURITE SPICE
                                                                        TV PROGRAM
               BERSIH & ASLI
                                                              Video Tour  President
                                                                            Dato’ Syed Manshor Syed Mahhmood
                                       adabi BERSIH & ASLI      adabi    Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard
                                                                         dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an
                                                                   BERSIH & ASLI
                 adabi                                                   unknown printer took a galley of type and
                                                                         scrambled it to make a type specimen book.
                   BERSIH & ASLI
                                                              ABOUT US  QUICK LINKS  GET IN TOUCH                    adabi
                                                              Adabi Consumer Industries Sdn Bhd   ALERTS AND STUFFS  Lot 136, Rawang Integrated Industrial Park,
                                                                                 48000, Rawang, Selangor Darul Ehsan, Malaysia
                                                              (ACISB) is the parent company and the    CUSTOM SHORTCODES
                                                              main player of Adabi Group. It inspires   MD Oce : +603-60916946  BERSIH & ASLI
                                                                                 Sales & Marketing : +603-60926458
                                                              porduces and markets products under   PRICING PLANS
                                                              the brand name of Adabi.  TOGGLE ELEMENTS
                                                                   adabi  Lot 136, Rawang Integrated Industrial Park,
                                                                      Mukim Rawang, 48000 Rawang,
                                                                      Selangor Darul Ehsan,
                                                                     BERSIH & ASLI  Malaysia
          adabi                      adabi
             BERSIH & ASLI  adabi       BERSIH & ASLI                                                     adabi
                           BERSIH & ASLI                                                                     BERSIH & ASLI
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