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 2017 was a monumental year for victims
 of sexual assault and their families.
 Senate Bill 1571,  commonly  referred to
 as Melissa’s Law, took effect on January
 1, 2017 in Oregon, mandating specific
 requirements  related  to  the  collection,   INVESTIGATION TEAMS
 submission, retention and destruction
 of Sexual Assault Forensic Evidence
 (SAFE) kits. Facing a state-wide backlog   WESTSIDE INTERAGENCY   murder,  attempted  murder,  armed   and video data to identify

 of untested SAFE kits, the bill required   NARCOTICS (WIN)  robbery,  kidnapping,  weapons  communication  patterns,
                                           violations, and  felony property
 law enforcement agencies in Oregon to   WIN is a  task force comprised  of  crimes, where the perpetrators,   criminal  associates,  and
                                                                                     other types of evidence that
 submit all untested kits to the state lab   personnel from  Beaverton, Hillsboro  victims, or witnesses have ties to   leaves a digital trail while
 by year’s end. Lab reports with actionable   and  Tigard Police Departments, as  gangs.  ensuring we comply with legal
 DANA SHAVER | Senior Investigative Support Specialist  items could then help investigators with   well as WCSO, the Oregon National   requirements that involve
 unsolved cases throughout the state.   Guard Counter-Drug Program, and  PROPERTY CRIMES UNIT (PCU)  search and seizure.
       the Federal Bureau of Investigation.                                       2.  Criminal intelligence experts
 Dana Shaver, Senior Investigative Support Specialist, was the driving force behind WCSO’s   WIN  was formed in 1993, recognizing   Detectives in PCU  work the most   gather information and share
 efforts to catch up with these critically important changes. She meticulously reviewed 532   the need for a cooperative effort in   serious felony cases of burglary, auto   it with the rest of the law
 reports from 1999-2016 that had a SAFE kit processed at the state lab, helped process untested   the investigation and enforcement   theft, embezzlement  and larceny.   enforcement community to
                                           This work group also monitors
       of drug laws.  The  WIN mission is
 kits and assigned actionable cases to deputies and detectives. Dana continues to review lab   to target all drug traffickers in and   pawn shop records and online   solve crime.  They also rely on
 reports and assign new cases to investigators - about 10 to 15 per week on average - as WCSO   around the  Washington County   transactions for the sale of illegal   predictive policing software
                                                                                     that uses historic data and
 works tirelessly around the clock to ensure justice for victims and their families.  area. WIN works closely with other   goods.  PCU utilizes technology and   Geographic  Information
       narcotics task forces in the area,   public service campaigns to deter
 A member of the WCSO family for 29 years, Dana is widely regarded as the nucleus of the   as well as various federal agencies  and reduce property crimes.  System to predict  where
                                                                                     deputies have the greatest
 Investigations Division, with her influence touching almost every aspect of the agency’s crime-  charged with the responsibility to   chance to prevent criminal
 solving capabilities. She is ultimately responsible for managing every case (not just from SAFE   enforce drug laws.  SPECIAL INVESTIGATION UNIT   activity.
 kit lab reports) assigned to investigators at WCSO, developing and implementing procedures   INTERAGENCY GANG   (SIU)
 to make the complex investigations process more efficient, generating divisional statistics   ENFORCEMENT TEAM (IGET)  SIU melds the skills and knowledge   VIOLENT CRIMES UNIT (VCU)
 reports, and being the contact person for multiple web-based programs that help deputies   IGET  provides  law  enforcement  of two different disciplines to more   VCU focuses on incidents where
 fight crime – just to name a few.  agencies in  Washington County  effectively solve crimes by applying   the suspect’s actions are violent,
                                                                                threatening or have the potential to
       with  information  and  analysis  technology.                            harm the victim. This includes crimes
       to  help  protect  the  public  and                                      such as assaults with a weapon,
       suppress gang related criminal        1.  Digital exploitation specialists   robbery, homicide, kidnapping,
       activity. IGET often assists in           extract  information from cell   stalking, sex crimes and child abuse.
       investigations involving assaults,        phones,   GPS,    computers,

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