Page 174 - TheHopiIndians
P. 174


               The Yayawimpkia are fire priests who heal by fire.
             They are experts in the art of making fire by drilling
             with a stick on a bit of wood and they perform this
             act in the Sumaikoli or Little New Fire Ceremony.
             There are few of them remaining, and their services
             are sometimes called for when a burn is to be treat
             ed, or some such matter.  One woman whose breast
             had been blistered by a too liberal application
             of kerosene was healed by the Yaya, who filled his
             month with soot and spurted the fluid over the burn,
             the theory of the Taya being that wounds made by
             fire should be checked by fire or the products of fire.
                The Taya priests are supposed to be able to bring
             to life people who have been killed in accidents.
             There is a story that a man who was pushed off the
              high mesa upon the rocks below was restored to his
              friends by the magical power of the Yaya. Other
             fabulous stories, always placed among the happenings
             of the past, tell of the wonderful doings of the Yaya.
              The Hopi relate that one Yaya standing at the edge
              of the mesa said: "Do you see that butte over yon
              der [the Giant's Chair, 30 miles distant] ; it is black,
              is it not! I will paint it white." So with a lump of
             kaolin the Yaya made magical passes skyward, and be
              hold, the mountain was white ! A brother Yaya said,
             yan New Fire Ceremony, by J. Walter Fewkes; Proc. Boat.
              Society Nat. Hist, Vol. 26, 1895.  The New Fire Ceremony at
              Walpi, by J. Walter FVwkes; Am. Anthropologist (N. S.), Vol.
              2, Jan., 1900.
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