Page 233 - TheHopiIndians
P. 233
all the silver he can in return for an insight into the
mysteries — a thing that Wiki has never stooped to
There are first families in Tusayan. Saalako enjoys
the distinction of being by birthright the chief snake
priestess of all Hopiland. Hence Kopeli, her son,
was chief priest of the powerful Snake Society in that
metropolis of Tusayan, Walpi ; while Supela, her hus
band, has no credit for his share in passing on the
inheritance. At present, her son "Harry" is the
Snake Chief in place of the beloved Kopeli.
Saalako is an old, wise woman. The mystery which
hangs around her is born of her connection with the
fearful rites of the Snake cult and her store of the
knowledge which has been passed down from time im
memorial "by living words from lips long dust."
This connection carries her to distant pueblos to mix
the "medicine" for the ceremonies, no one in the
whole province being better versed in herbs and spells
than she. One might meet her on this errand far
out in the desert or among the rugged mesas on the
trail to Oraibi, afoot, moving actively for a person
apparently so frail. It is difficult to measure, es
pecially in a limited time and short acquaintance, the
respect and honor given by the Walpi people to Saala
ko and the Snake Chief 's family. It would seem that
there is a certain dignity and reserve natural to peo
ple of rank, although in the common associations the
Hopi are quite democratic. In any case Saalako is