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264                  INDEX

             Lam, 38                  Preservation of tradition, 251
             Longevity, 17            Primitive commerce, 250
             Lnmmis (C. F.), 4        Pueblo origin accounts, 251, 252
             Mamzranti ceremony, 161-163  Punishments, 38
             Marriage. 123-128        Routes to Pueblos, 13
             Meals, 67                Running, feats of, 108,113
             Medicine men, 167, 168; theory
               and practice, 58       Saalako, medicine woman, biog
             Migration of Apache and Navaho.  raphy of, 225-227
               254; of Pueblo, 253    Sandals, 74, 75
             Mindeleff (Cosmos), 101  Seed gathering, 67
             Mission churches, 260    Social organisation, 35
             Moccasin making, 72, 73, 74  Sheep, introduction of, 83, 255
             Months of (rammer, 33, 34, 35; of  Shepherds, 39-40
               winter 30, 31, 32      Shipanluvi pneblo, 24
             Uuns-wo, biography of, 233-235  Shrines, 175-178
             Mnshongnovi pneblo, 23   Bhumopavi pneblo, 24
             Music, character of, 103 ; of Flute  Hichomovi pueblo, origin of name,
               ceremony, 103, 104, 105  20
             Myth of Alosaka, 193 ; Dr. Fevkes  Sikyatki,  ancient  pueblo  de
               quoted, 189; of flint clad giant,  stroyed, 210; ruins of, 260
               186, 187; of Great Elk, 185.  Snake dance,  148-155;  legend,
               188; of man-eagle, 180-185; of  155-156
               migration, 190-194. 196, 197-  Songs, purchase of, 102; variety
               200;  of  monsters,  179;  of  of, 105
               plumed serpent, 194, 195; of  Soyalnna ceremony, 136-139
               sap twins, 187, 188    Springs,  53 ;  disappearance of,
             Naming customs, 117        54; Flute Dance in, 54; names
             Nampeo, 75, 76             of, 54 ; offerings in, 53 ; sacred,
             Nampeo, potter, 20         54
             Nashihiptuwa on the golden age,  Street market, 40
               213-217                Summer occupations, 33
             Natal rites, 114-115     Tews, migration of, 20; visits of
             Native worship, 134-135    pueblos, 25
             Navaho contracts, 24     Time, determination of, 43, 44;
             New 4re ceremony, 163-165  reckoning in birth rites, 114;
             Niman Karbina ceremony, 146-  record, 44
               148                    Toby, biography of, 245, 247
             Orsibi, location of, 260; pueblo,  "Tom  Sawyer,"  biography  of,
               24                       247-249
             Organisation of ancient Pueblos,  Totem names, 46, 47
               252                    Town crier, or speaker chief, 41,
             Origin of pneblo builders, 257  42
             Painte, 26               Town patrol, 39
             Palnlukong ceremony, 140-145  Traders, ability of, 38
             Physical characteristics, 16  Tradition of Apache raids, 202:
             Pirns, 26, 27              of destruction of Awatobi, 210-
             Plants, knowledge of, 57; lore of,  213; of flood, 203; of former
               59; uses of, 59          location,  304;  of  origin  of
             Planting stick, 60         Hano, 208 ; of Spanish con
             Pottery, ancient, 261 ; burning,  querors, 206, 207; of the Span
               80, 81, 82; clays, 77; evolution  ish Friars, 2O4, 205
               of, 78, 79; paints, 80; super  Turkey, 172
               stition regarding, 83; tools, 78  TDMYin, physical description of,
             Powamn ceremony, 139, 140  13
             Frarersticks in springs, 256  Unwarlike character of Hopi, 209
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