Page 32 - TTIA Directory 2018
P. 32
Implementation of TTIA’s GLP Visit Programme
In the last few years, several media have reported on child, forced
and slave labor in fishing industries which targeted Thai fishery products.
The Thai government and private sectors have been responsive to these
allegations and have worked together on more comprehensive and relevant
laws, regulations and measures to alleviate forced labor and human traf-
ficking issues.
Since 2013 TTIA has cooperated with Department of Labour Protec-
tion and Welfare and International Labour Organization to bring GLP Good
Labour Practices Guidelines for Packaging and Processing Factories in the
Shrimp and Seafood Industry of Thailand: GLP/ Processing Plants to apply
in TTIA members. The objective is to raise awareness and promote the
compliance with Thai Labor Law, International Labor Standards for indus-
try. GLP program can assist entrepreneurs to do their self-assessment for
improving the workplace as well. It will lead to improve the quality of life
of workers, enhance productivity and increase collaboration in the work-
place. In addition, this will prevent and reduce the problem of using illegal