Page 138 - Florida eBook Summer/Fall 2020 Edition
P. 138

     Continued from page 122
     books starting at the age of 70), and Dan  I will be 90 years old and I might not be
     Buetner - the creator of The Blue Zones   able to go surfing like I do now. We must
     Diet. I’ve directed many films on senior   take advantage of our youth at all ages
     profiles and once I photographed a 92   and keep moving.
     year old cyclist that rides his bike 150
     miles a week.
                                        Tom Sanders websites are
     I hope my images and films inspire   seniorliving¬ and
     people to age well and take care of Sanders travels
     themselves. At the age of 36, I reflect a   nationwide on photo shoots/films and is
     lot on aging from all the stories I have   currently a profes¬sor at The Savannah
     been told. Research shows that we need   College of Art and Design. His latest book
     sleep, exercise, socializing, and a veg-  is Vietnam War Portraits: The Faces And
     etable/fruit/fish-rich diet in order to age   Voices. Sanders’ clients include Argen-
     well and stave off memory loss. A healthy   tum, Kisco, Belmont Village, The Arbor
     aging lifestyle does not start when you’re   Co., and many others.
     55, it starts as soon as possible. One day,
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