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What should I
know about
Assisted Living?
One Size Does
NOT Fit All!
by Kelly Wilson, Publisher
The good news is you can and
most likely will find your size and
your style…. Making the decision
to move into an assisted living
community can be a tough choice
for any one, including the family
members involved in the process.
The resistance to change, feel- review your individual policy terms. (See below
ings of guilt and denial all too often lead for a few basic pointers to lead you in the right
to a delay in making any decision or move. direction for possible assistance.) Keep in mind
That is, until something serious happens, that just like buying real estate, the family car
that SOMETHING usually affects the health, or making any large purchase, you should take
welfare and safety of our parent, grandpar- some time to research and plan. There are many
ent or spouse. Once this has happened you resources available by way of publications,
now add into the mix, stress and a sense of websites and private placement services that can
urgency to the decision making process. help you find the assisted living community that
fits YOU.
If this seems to be the course you’re on, then you
are going about this all wrong! Stop and think of How Can I Pay For Assisted Living?
the many changes and adaptations we all make Generally assisted living costs are an out of
throughout the years of our lives……just chalk pocket expense, however, for those in need and
this up to one more. Putting a positive spin on meeting eligibility requirements, assistance may
everything that is good and right about making be available. Below is a simple guide to point
this move is the key! you first, to the local agencies who can help
Know that here in S. Florida alone there are you navigate through this process of eligibility
well over 1400 assisted living options to choose determination.
from, like choosing what restaurant to frequent 1. Your Aging and Disability Resource
or where to go on your vacation, look into your Center, aka the Area Agency on Aging will
many choices. Whether you are comfortable in assist you in determining any eligibility for
a quiet, residential home setting, usually with 5 state or federal government programs or
or 6 residents or opt for a larger resort setting assistance
with restaurant style dining and amenities, there 2. Veterans Aid & Attendance to determine…
is just the place for you. Being clear and realistic eligibility contact your local VAMC directly.
on your budget, physical and social needs and To find location nearest to you go to
your likes and dislikes is a great starting point.
With average cost ranging from $2200 up If wealth, income or other issues arise or the
beyond $4800, finances can play a large part in process becomes complicated you can seek
narrowing down options, and the difficulty cov- professional services
ering these costs can create hardships as well. 3. Private Medicaid & VA Planner
There are some long term care, LTC, policies 4. Elder Law Attorney
that provide funding for assisted living costs,