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It is important for Medicare beneficia-  the diagnosis, the services provided and
     ries to understand their skilled nursing   the progress of the patient which com-
     benefits and the difference between a   bined, determine covered length of stay.
     rehabilitative stay and long term resi-  Therefore, understand that you may not
     dency. All too often people are stressed,   be eligible for all 100 of those days.
     surprised and confused because they   When someone has suffered a signifi-
     are getting a crash course while in the   cant health setback and cannot return
     middle of an illness or injury. Do your   home or move safely to an assisted
     homework in advance, learn about    living facility, they often become a LTC
     your specific policy coverage and select   – long term care or custodial resident
     a couple of facilities in your area to   in a nursing home. This is often an-
     visit, to find nonbiased information   other area of surprise for patients and
     and facility ratings go to the Agency for   families. Once the Medicare days are
     Healthcare Administration website, the   exhausted or they have met maximum
     address is provided at the end of article.
                                         improvement during the stay, the cus-
     Nursing homes, sometimes called     todial care is not covered by Medicare.
     skilled nursing facilities, serve both   Costs for nursing home care can vary
     long-term residents and people who   between $6,000 - $10,000 monthly and
     come for a short period for rehabilita-  if you find you need financial assistance
     tive care (usually after a hospital stay).   from Medicaid, you must apply and
     Some nursing homes also provide     meet the financial and medical criteria,
     respite care, which is when a person   this is a process.
     comes for a short stay, to give relief to a
     primary caregiver. Traditional Medicare   Selecting a nursing home is an im-
     covers 20 days of skilled rehabilitation   portant, personal, and often difficult
     before copays apply, so depending on   decision. Sometimes the selection is the
     your supplemental coverage or whether   result of deliberate planning, but often
     you have enrolled with a Medicare   the decision is made during a crisis.
     Advantage plan, you may learn that you   Having an advance understanding can
     have out of pocket expenses. These add   be very helpful.
     up quickly at a range of $50 - $150 per
     day. Medicare also allows up to 100 days
     of coverage for skilled nursing services,   reports-guides/NursingHomesFL.aspx
     but again there are guidelines and rules,
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