Page 14 - SC Senior Living Guide Fall/Winter 2021 Edition
P. 14

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     enforce uniform national standards for   Back in the 70’s, I remember scientists were
     organically-produced agriculture products   confident that by the turn of the century, all
     sold in the US. You can go online to learn   diseases would be cured. Not only has that
     the details of the requirements growers   not happened, we seem to be developing
     and ranchers must abide by in order to use   more diseases. When I was young, cancer was
     the USDA Organic Seal (www.ams.usda.  rare. Now scientists believe everyone will be
     gov/rules-regulations/organic).  It includes   getting cancer at least once in their lifetime.
     standards for soil, fertilizers, pest control and   What has changed? Many things have, but
     more. You can purchase organic products   undeniably, the foods we are putting into
     at Lidl’s, Publix, Kroger, 14 Carrot, and other   our bodies are very different foods than
     grocery stores.                     when I was very young. Our bodies are able
                                         to handle only so many toxic substances. The
     My business, Gourmade Meals In Your Home,   good news is that we can quickly improve
     focuses on preparing and delivering a wide   our health through simple changes to our
     variety of foods that are as healthy as possi-  diet along with moderate exercise and
     ble. I use a lot of organics, and provide foods   strong social connections.
     that are relatively low in salt and animal fats.
     The long-term improvements in the health                             — Jacqueline Bossé
     of my clients is proof that this is working.
                                         You may contact me at (803) 446-7070 or
     I’d like to introduce you to 2 of my clients. I or
     have been preparing meals for Vic for over
     9 years. When I first started delivering his   1
     meals, his doctors were not pleased with his   2
     overall health. He had heart disease, was a
     cancer survivor and his wife was dying of
     cancer. After his wife passed, he began work-
     ing out in a gym 3 times a week. His doctors
     raved over his improved checkups. He went
     on cruises and hunting trips until he turned
     90 last year. He gave me a lot of the credit for
     his improved health but he was also doing
     the exercising that is vital. Another client,
     Liz, is now 91 and I have been preparing her
     meals, about half the time, for the past 4
     years. Her heart power or ejection fraction
     was about 40 for much of that time, but this
     last year, her heart is stronger and is about
     60. (It should be above 55.) While she is not
     exercising, she does have strong family and
     social connections, which are also important
     factors in maintaining good health. Eating
     healthy matters at any age!
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