Page 111 - Spring 2021 SeniorLivingGuide
P. 111


                                                       As they were discuss-
                                                       ing the process, Carol
                                                       made two remarks that
                                                       Kathy couldn’t forget:
                                                       Carol asserted that
                                                       if their mother had
                                                       been asked 20 years
                                                       earlier to endure such
                                                       tribulations for the
                                                       outcome of better care
                                                       for people in nursing
                                                       homes, she would have
                                                       said Yes because that’s
                                                       who she was. Carol
                                                       then asked, “But Kathy,
                                                       what do families do if
                                                       they don’t have a ‘You’
                                                       – someone who knows
                                                       the regulations and
                                                       how to navigate the
                                                       system? How do they
                                                       ever get their loved one
     Our Mother’s Voice is a nonprofit                 the care they need?”
     organization on a mission to empower   Kathy pondered those two comments
     advocates for quality services and    on her drive home that night, and Our
     supports for people in nursing homes    Mother’s Voice was born.
     or other long-term care settings (assist-
     ed living, in-home care, memory care,   Our Mother’s Voice uses the Internet
     etc.). Its founders, sisters Kathy Bradley   to provide information accessible
     and Carol Hay, established Our Mother’s   to everyone. The website
     Voice in 2010 because of the challenges contains
     they faced in securing appropriate care   discussions of important concepts that
     and services for their mother, a lifelong   are included in federal regulations,
     activist for social justice for groups   giving examples of what those concepts
     without a voice in our country, when    mean in everyday lives of people in
     she suddenly declined into severe   long-term care. There are many links to
     dementia and lost her ability to speak.   additional resources. In addition, Kathy
     Having just retired from providing   presents both in person and online to
     long-term care for 33 years, Kathy knew   diverse groups, including caregivers,
     the regulations and how to navigate   families, civic groups, church groups,
     the system to bring about the needed   professionals, nursing home staff –
     changes in their mother’s nursing home.   “whoever will listen” – spreading her
                                                           Continued on page 19
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