Page 25 - Charlotte Senior Living Guide
P. 25

     Continued from page 5
     by those who experience the loss of a   room and ask yourself a few simple
     loved one and seek to relocate closer   questions as you look at your furniture
     to family for support, or by folks who   and accessories: Do I love it? Do I need
     have encountered a significant change   it? When did I use it last? Try starting in
     in their health, requiring spatial adjust-  a guest bedroom or linen closet to get
     ments in the home for easier mobility   accustomed to the process.
     and comfort. Regardless of what is
     prompting a person to downsize, the   Downsizing Directory
     overall goal should be to create a home    As you make your way through your
     with your belongings that is manage-  home, create an inventory. For each
     able, safe, and feels like home.
     Where Do I Begin?
     Some individuals think downsizing
     means getting rid of everything; not   item, make a note of “keep/sell/give/do-
     so! Downsizing is about carefully and   nate/trash.” This inventory will become
     thoughtfully reducing the quantity of   your “Downsizing Directory” and will
     your possessions or the size of your   be helpful in conversations with your
     furnishings. For example, do you really   family, friends, moving and insurance
     need to store a full, 12-piece setting of   companies, and household liquidators.
     dishes now that the kids are grown and
     gone? Could you work with a smaller   Downsizing is physically demanding,
     desk or writing table now that you’re   requiring activities such as bending,
     retired? What can make downsizing   stooping, reaching and lifting. If you
     challenging is shifting our perspective   have physical limitations that make
     on the items we’ve used for so long and   these actions difficult, it’s better to start
     the memories attached to those items.  sooner than later so you can work at
                                         your own pace and not hurt yourself by
     Because of this, simply coming up   overexertion.
     with a plan to get started is so mentally   The effects of downsizing are different
     overwhelming that some don’t even take   for each of us and can cause a roller
     the first step even though they know   coaster of emotions. One closet may
     they need to. The prospect of making   contain yellowed office supplies along
     decisions about every item in the home,   with a family heirloom passed down to
     finding reputable sources to carry out   you from favorite aunt. Enlisting the
     these decisions and worrying about the   help of family and friends can both ease
     possible associated costs is daunting.   the physical burden and help you work
     Getting organized and developing a   through the emotional ties to your pos-
     strategy to follow is key and not as hard   sessions. Having someone there to share
     as you might think…. but you have to   memories with gives you the opportu-
     get started!
                                         nity to reflect so that you’ll have peace
     Begin with a basic assessment of your   of mind, knowing you’ve made the deci-
     household belongings. For example,   sion that’s right for you.
     start by spending 15 minutes in each
                                                           Continued on page 86
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