Page 72 - Charlotte Senior Living Guide
P. 72


     Soups provide an excellent source of   serve it themselves at the event. For the
     fiber, vitamins, and nutrients, plus they   past 14 years, many of the restaurants
     are fantastic for weight loss success   and event sponsors return because they
     when incorporated into your meal    truly enjoy the event and it’s good
     plans. Soups and broths contain high   for business.
     water content and are low in calories.
                                         Cabarrus Meals on Wheels provides
     On Sunday, November 5, come and     meals to seniors regardless of their
     sample a large variety at the 15th    ability to pay. Annually, we need to
     Annual Sunday Soup Sampler which    raise $250,000 to cover the cost of
     will be at City Club at Gibson Mill, 325   meals not paid for by our clients.
     McGill Avenue NW, Concord.          Ninety-three percent of our clients live
                                         below the poverty level. Can you imag-
     Tickets are $25, available at www.  ine being a senior and homebound and or at the local of-  not knowing where your next meal will
     fice, 1701 S. Main Street, Kannapolis.   come from? Cabarrus Meals on Wheels
     Sample over 20 local restaurant soups   is a vital service to our homebound in
     and desserts.
                                         Cabarrus County. Four hundred clients
     We host two community fundraisers   depend on us daily to deliver their
     a year and the Soup Sampler is our   noon time meal. In addition, we
     largest and most successful. The event   provide over 625 weekend meals,
     itself promotes local businesses,    pet food assistance, birthday cakes
     beginning with the local restaurants   and boxes, emergency groceries,
     who participate by each donating six   Christmas presents and holiday treats
     gallons of soup and coming out to   to those in need.

     “Thanks for all you do, it means a lot to me and I really appreciate the dog
     food because I cannot afford to buy and my dog is my baby.”
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