Page 88 - Charlotte Senior Living Guide
P. 88
In selecting a facility for your loved one to live in there are many things that should be
considered before making your decision. It is very important to visit facilities and observe
the environment the residents are living in. The following is information that will help you in
making your selection:
BASIC INFORMATION: during the facility tour know the residents by
q Is the facility Medicare certified? name?
q Is the facility Medicaid certified? q Is there a full time registered nurse (RN) in the
Does the facility have the level of care you need facility at all times, other than the director of
(e.g. skilled, custodial), and is a bed available? nursing in nursing homes?
q Does the facility have special services if needed q Does the same team of staff members work
in a separate unit (e.g. dementia, ventilator, or with the same resident 4-5 days per week?
rehabilitation), and is a bed available? q Do the staff members work with a reasonable
q Is the facility located close enough for family number of residents?
and friends to visit? q Are the certified nursing assistants and care
RESIDENT APPEARANCE: givers involved in the residents' care plan
q Are residents observed to be clean, meetings?
appropriately dressed for the season or time of q For nursing homes is there a full time social
day and well groomed? worker on staff?
FACILITY LIVING SPACES: q Also is there a licensed doctor on staff? Is he/
q Is the facility free from overwhelming she there daily? Can he/she be reached at all
unpleasant odors? times?
q Does the facility appear to be clean and well RESIDENTS’ ROOMS:
kept? q Can residents have personal belongings and/or
q Is the temperature in the facility comfortable for furniture in their rooms?
the residents? q Does each resident have storage space (closet
q Does the facility have good lighting? and drawers) in his or her room?
q Are the noise levels in the dining room and q Does each resident have a window in his or her
other common areas comfortable? room?
q Is smoking not allowed or restricted to certain q Do residents have access to a personal
areas in the facility? telephone and television?
q Are the furnishings sturdy, yet comfortable and q Do residents have a choice of roommates?
attractive? q Can water pitchers be reached by residents?
STAFF: q Does the facility have policy and procedure to
q Does the relationship between the staff and protect residents’ possessions?
the residents appear to be warm, polite and HALLWAYS, STAIRS, LOUNGES, AND
respectful? BATHROOMS:
q Do staff members wear name tags? q Are exits clearly marked?
q Do staff members knock on the door before q Are there quiet areas where residents can visit
entering residents rooms and refer to residents with friends and family?
by name? q Does the facility have smoke detectors and
q Does the facility offer training and continuing sprinklers?
education program for all staff? q Are all the common areas, resident rooms, and
q Does the facility do background checks on all doorways designed for wheelchair use?
staff members? q Are there handrails in the hallways and grab
q Does the staff member who is your guide bars in the bathrooms?