Page 18 - SWFL SeniorLivingGuide
P. 18

Reba Wisser, Certified Life Coach, 305-793-9152
                    Does your mom have   her red/red lipstick.
                    “Lonely Mom Syn-     Now is the time for us to come together
                    drome” aka “alone-   and help mom. Sure she may be experienc-
                    ness”? Families      ing those physical aches and pains, moving
                    today are often spread   slower than before, loss of loved ones/
                    distances apart and   friends, not always feeling good, some-
                    daily lives are con-  times loss of independence whether it be
                    sumed with so many   getting around or caring for oneself and
                    responsibilities. Even   sometimes just in a “rut”…but we can ask
     with all our modern technology and cell   “What can I do to help my loved one not
     phones…loneliness in the elderly has risen   feel lonely or sad?”  And then make a plan
     to epidemic levels.
                                         of “real possibilities” to put into action for
     There is no reason that those of us entering   them to feel a sense of purpose, a part of
     the last third of our lives cannot continue   something and see that brightness again in
     our journey being optimistic and enthusi-  each new day.
     astic. It can surely be a time to seek new   It is with my open heart and empathetic
     opportunities, renew life, re-invent and/or   ear that my own journey takes me to this
     continue ones’ passions and purposes of   stage in my life. When family members and
                                         caregivers can’t be in two places at once,
     Not too many generations ago, families   I can be that advocate/advisor you can
     lived closer to each other and not only   trust to talk with mom about her feelings,
     shared their lives, but gained wisdom from   to identify and help find resolve for her to
     the elders and everlasting experiences and   feel happy and alive again. I will work to
     memories. This bonding was so important   encourage and
     for all family members and the elders felt   facilitate their needs
     purpose and looked forward to times to-  and yours.
     gether. It was my grandma who looked for-  Call for complimen-
     ward to my visits and mine to hers. Besides   tary session one on
     being my grandma, she was my friend and   one, video chat or by
     confidant. We spent hours baking, laugh-  phone.
     ing, sharing and even making a mess. We
     enjoyed sleepovers, singing, dancing, being   100% Confidentiality  Coaching for Seniors
                                                             Making Life’s Choices
     silly and she even taught me how to put on   Guaranteed!   Opportunities Unlimited
     18                                                      Reba Wisser
                                                             Certified Life Coach
                                                             (305) 793-9152
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