Page 34 - SWFL SeniorLivingGuide
P. 34

by Kelly Wilson, Publisher          question can be asked, when is quality more
                                         important than quantity? When is the right
     I do not nor have I ever worked for any hos-
     pice provider, but I have had the opportunity   time to opt for comfort and care when there
     and privilege to care for people, 13 to be exact,   is no cure? This is such a frightening thought,
     who had hospice services in the last weeks,   the family, the patient and even the treating
     months and sometimes even years of their   physicians sometimes feel the need to fight
     lives. I have since changed professions and   the battle to the bitter end. This battle statis-
     now attend various lectures and presentations   tically has been shown to sometimes shorten
     regarding healthcare services, some of which   the length of life and with it the quality.
     the primary topic is hospice care. There are a   Critical and terminal illness know no barriers
     few different providers here in our SE Florida   like age, race or religion. That being fact we
     area but the fundamental concept is universal.   need to all become aware and educated on
     Also universal is the uncomfortable feeling   options. Those options include the invaluable
     the word “hospice” seems to create, the lack   services of hospice providers that are not only
     of public education, awareness and timely   focused toward the patient but extend to the
     intervention by way of open discussion even   entire family, providing spiritual, emotional
     among our healthcare providers.     and physical support in the home, assisted
                                         living, nursing home, hospital or any setting
     Let me share a little something I heard at a
     recent lecture. Over the last 100 years our   the patient is comfortable in. State of the art
     medical advances have come quite close to   care is delivered by some of the most caring
     doubling our life expectancy. What was once   and compassionate physicians and nurses as
     considered a ripe old age was 46; it is now 80   well as social workers, music therapists and
     years old. Nevertheless, with all this medical   massage therapists just to name a few.
     technology we will ultimately reach an end to   Please make it your business to seek out
     our life here on earth as we know it.   information, attend a presentation or an
                                         educational lecture. Share and talk about
     We are now able to diagnose and treat many
     illnesses with modern advances in medicine.   experiences with family and friends. We have
     Over the years safety improvements of our   no control over the fact that we will all die,
     vehicles and workplace environments have   but for some, we can have control over how
     reduced sudden and accidental deaths. Ap-  we and those around us will experience the
     proximately 90% of deaths are predictable,   last leg of the journey. Human nature is to
     with many enduring lengthy courses of treat-  fear what we do not know…if or when you
     ment. It is under these circumstances that the   are faced with a difficult decision you can
                                         find comfort in the life choice you make.
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