Page 27 - Charlotte Summer 2017
P. 27

     Continued from page 5
     long-distance families grows each year.   Technology & Monitoring
     Using app-based platforms to share   Many caregivers will report that they
     photos, connect with distant relatives,   are worried about not knowing if their
     and stay connected to a technology-  aging parent is okay during various
     dependent generation of grandchildren   times of the day. Most, to the relief
     are just some of the many ways in   of their parents, aren’t interested in
     which technology has changed the way   outfitting their loved one’s home with
     that older adults are keeping in touch.  cameras,

     One of the more creative uses of    but they do
     technology for sharing family pictures   feel a need
     across the miles is the development of   for some
     digital picture frames that can stream   reassurance
     photos that any family members adds   without
     to the account. This instant sharing   having to
     shows up as new pictures on the rotat-  physically
     ing assortment visible on the digital   be there to check or call constantly.
                                         Technological developments such as
     frame and grandparents are able to see
     the latest pictures of their loved ones.  smart sockets and sensors that can
                                         alert someone to changes in patterns
     Technology & Safety                 of activity in a home are extremely
     One of the more exciting develop-   helpful in providing data, in a passive
     ments in technology is the use of   and not intrusive way, that can provide
     various types of technology to moni-  caregivers with peace of mind.
     tor older adults and provide a layer of   Here’s an example of how gathering
     security for those living alone. Many   that data might be useful. Let’s say that
     people remember the “I’ve Fallen &   the older adult living alone always gets
     Can’t Get Up” commercials from the   up between 6:00-6:30 in the morning
     1980s – those devices, called “Personal   and the first thing they do is turn on
     Emergency Response Systems” (or     the coffee pot. The smart socket could
     PERS) still basically look the same, but   be placed on the outlet where the cof-
     they’ve come a long way. Several sys-  fee pot is plugged in so that a family
     tems allow the user to use the pendant   member would be notified if the coffee
     outside of their home or while travel-  pot wasn’t turned on by the senior
     ing. Some even provide automatic    by 7:30. In this example, because the
     detection if a fall has taken place.   person has a fairly predictable pat-
     While not 100% reliable, just like any   tern, being able to monitor just the
     technology, these systems have enabled   pattern is helpful feedback. It won’t
     many aging Americans to remain at   always mean there’s a problem (maybe
     home much longer than would have    the person just slept extra late), but it
     been possible without               will certainly bring something to your
     the technology.
                                         attention without having to be there

                                                           Continued on page 86
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