Page 87 - Charlotte Summer 2017
P. 87
Continued from page 27
to see it. This use are taking the correct pill.
of technology in
a passive way is Lumosity – this app provides stimulat-
usually appealing ing brain games that help you work
on processing, speed, memory, and
to older adults –
they don’t see it, it doesn’t change what decision-making. New games are
added often and subscribers can track
they are doing, and in many cases, it their progress.
delays the need for additional support
services, such as home care, which can Constant Therapy – this app provides
be costly. personalized therapy for people with
cognitive, language, and communica-
Sensors can also be used to alert a tion impairments. Over 60,000 exercis-
caregiver when something has
happened (as opposed to when es that adjust based on progress and
ability will keep those living with
something hasn’t happened that usu- strokes or dementia very busy!
ally does). One recent client used a sen-
sor to detect when the back door was What’s Ahead?
opened each day. Her mom had a small No one would have anticipated we’d be
dog that she let out into the backyard walking around with mini-computers
each morning through the same door. that were also phones 20 years ago, so
This text alert let the daughter know it is really hard to anticipate what
each morning that her mother was up. might be around the corner for tech-
Again, the absence of this informa- nology in the aging industry. As large
tion would have let the daughter know healthcare systems use more technol-
there might be reason for concern. ogy for efficiency, we think it is a safe
The best news about using technology bet that the use of technology isn’t
for monitoring purposes is that the going away anytime soon. Regardless
people receiving the alerts/information, of whether or not seniors are interested
normally service providers or family in learning how to use technology, or
members, are comfortable using tech- are seeking ways to “plug in” to virtual
nology and managing the notifications. connections, we think there are many
benefits that families and caregivers
There’s an App for That! can find in using some of the items and
Each day brings a slew of new apps to applications discussed in this article.
the market and there are some terrific And sometimes, the benefits of privacy
ones for older adults. Here are the best and independence that are provided
ones, according to feedback from our to older adults in exchange for the
clients: increased use in technology, are worth
considering, even if using something
Pill Reminder – this app provides cutting edge seems scary.
notifications as to when to take
medications, when refills are needed,
and even provides a picture of the
medication so that you can be sure you